Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Rape Crime Rates – 2025 List

There are few crimes worse than rape. And unfortunately, it seems to be a fact of life for so many people in the world today. A quick look through the news is enough to frighten anyone, and with the numbers seemingly on the rise in many European countries, it makes the world look like it’s getting worse, rather than better. There are a number of things that have to be stated at the beginning here.

First, the definition of rape is different depending on where you are. It changes the meaning of the stats by a fair bit, and I will do my best to explain each of the ten countries’ official positions on the issue as and when they come up. Second, no matter what else is said in this article, it is always horrible, always damaging, and for some of us, always on our minds. What makes this all the worse is the reporting rate of the crime is far lower than the actual rate of the crime. So a look at these figures is, on average, only a fifth of the picture.

So let’s take a look down the list.

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Rape Crime Rates

10. Finland

Nearly 47% of Finnish women have suffered sexual or physical abuse, according to a survey done by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. In fact, they were one of the last countries in the EU to criminalize marital rape—it only became illegal in 1994.

To make matters worse, more than 1 in 10 women were sexually assaulted before they turned 15 years old. And over 20% have experienced physical and or sexual violence from a previous or current partner. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of them reported the incident to the police.

9. Zimbabwe

One woman is sexually assaulted every 90 minutes in Zimbabwe.

During the first three months of 2021, more than 1,500 cases of rape were reported, and out of these cases, nearly 800 involved children between the ages of 11 and 16; another 276 involved those between the ages of 5 and 10. However, it’s believed that the actual number is higher as many cases go unreported.

8. Australia

Australia flag e1490367088946Like most first-world nations, Australia has a far higher rate of reported incidence than, say, Panama. Their 28.6 per 100,000 is high, and the real figure is likely higher, but it is also mitigated by the fact that far more people in Australia are willing to report their crimes to the police.

Not to mention the fact that the police are far more likely to do something about it than in many other nations. Australia also includes sexual assault in their rape statistics in most of their jurisdictions, something I am very much in favor of. There is also the fact that over the last few years the figure has been shrinking, rather than growing, an encouraging trend.

7. Canada

Violent crimes have gone up significantly in Canada over the past few years. According to the Department of Justice, young people between the ages of 15 and 24 have the highest rate of sexual assault and the perpetrator is often a friend, neighbor, or acquaintance of the victim. However, more than 80% of cases go unreported—often because the victim feels ashamed or embarrassed.

And of those that are actually reported to the police, less than half result in a guilty verdict. This is worrying as sexual assault is the only violent crime that’s not declining in Canada.

6. New Zealand

The sexual assault rate in New Zealand is significantly higher than in other countries. According to the Minister of Justice Report, a woman is raped every two hours and 1 in 3 girls are likely to be raped before the age of 16. However, less than 10% of sexual offenses are reported to the police, and only 13% end in a conviction.

In 2013, a group of teenage boys who called themselves the “Roast Busters” boasted on social media about their sexual activity with drunk and underage girls. The police have since arrested two men connected to the gang and a warrant has been issued for a third who is overseas.

5. India

Sexual violence is a huge problem in India. Between 2018 and 2021, rape cases have gone up by nearly 33%. Altogether, 2,984 cases were reported in 2020, and 2,950 were reported in 2019. However, the actual number is likely much higher. According to Madiha Kark, over 50% of sexual assault cases are unreported in India.

Of the total cases of crimes against women, nearly 40% occurred in New Delhi, followed by Mumbai, Jaipur, and Prune. And the majority of perpetrators (94%) are known to the victims (e.g. relatives, neighbors, parents).

4. England and Wales

Sexual violence has increased significantly in England and Wales over the past decade. In 2021, more than 67,000 rapes and sexual offenses were recorded, marking a 13% increase from 2020; it’s also the highest recorded annual figure to date. It’s also estimated that 250,000 teenage girls are suffering sexual abuse at any one time.

At the same time, rape prosecution rates have fallen. According to government data, less than 1.5% of cases are persecuted. Why do so few cases go to court? Many victims often withdraw their complaints after being asked to hand over their phones as evidence. Even if they do choose to present it, the CPS must determine that there’s enough evidence to charge the suspect.

3. The United States

Nearly one in five women have experienced some form of sexual violence during their lifetime. Child sexual abuse is also a massive problem. It’s estimated that 1 in 3 females are sexually assaulted for the first time between the ages of 11 and 17. What’s more, is that 1 in 8 is sexually assaulted before the age of 10.

According to the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network, only 384 cases are reported to the police out of 1,000. Out of them, only 57 results in an arrest, with 11 being referred for prosecution and 6 resulting in incarceration.

2. Sweden

Sweden e1490367230390

Sweden has the second-highest number of rape cases in the world, with 53.2 per 100,000 people. In fact, their rape and sexual molestation rates have been climbing steadily since 2015. In 2021, more than 3,000 individuals were convicted of rape, most of whom had an immigrant background.

The good news is that rape conviction rates have also gone up since the country changed the legal definition of rape to ‘sex without consent’ in 2018. And unlike other countries, offenders do not have to prove the threat or use of violence or coercion.

1. South Africa

South African Flag e1490367258299 South Africa is the rape capital of the world. That might sound a little sensationalist, but it’s true. In 2021, there were nearly 10,000 rape cases – an increase of 7.1% from the third quarter of 2020. To make matters worse, they also have the lowest conviction rates of all serious crimes – including rape – in the world.

That is an insane figure. But again, it is not all that surprising when you consider the history behind the country; so many of the people are only a generation removed from being ill-educated, tribal, second-class citizens.

What’s more, is that 90% of the population does not have equal rights with the ruling elite, which puts them behind other parts of the world. Add in the AIDS endemic, approximately 11% of the population has the disease and the belief that sex with a virgin will cure it, and we again have compounding factors driving people to commit the most heinous of crimes. Like Botswana, baby rape is a massive problem.

Barry W Stanton
Barry W Stanton
Irish born writer who drinks too much caffeine and reads too much Terry Pratchett. I enjoy long walks on the server and Korean cuisine.


  1. This author is trash. He needs to be a man and to stop deflecting away from the real causes of rape. Countries like Sweden don’t have high rape rates because they are more likely to report it, and there are lots of third world countries with much lower rape rates than first world countries. If the author had a pair, he wouldn’t use terms like “culturally divergent”. In Sweden’s case, cowardly men have run from their countries, leaving woman and children behind. Rape is them once again showing how they hate women.

    • Yes thats why baltslawa festival has been cancelled. Mostly cases unreported as per sweden crime stayistics. Most of the time you white f your daughters like trump admit publically he want to bang his daughter

        • OF COURSE IT IS NOT ABOUT REFUUGES! Sweden got high rape rate since 2014 but refugees came 2016 march. Swedish media trying to throw this stuff on refuuges. They are trying to say “swedish people are innocent, syrians are only reason of rape”. And every stinking swedish lamb thinks it is true.

          • Sweden has been accepting tens of thousands of refugees long before the recent events. Sweden earned its higher rate of rape through years of bringing in rapists.

          • Lol, you do realize that you’re wrong in so many ways JoJo? The MASSimmigration started 2012 not 2016, with aprox 110-170000 immigrants a year up until 2016. The rape statistics have gone up with almost 100% (The acctual RAISE, NOT the amount of reports) every year during that time. And has gone up TOTALLY 2600% since we started letting immigrants in from Middle east and Africa more then a few here and there.. Which was aprox 30 years ago

            1975 we had about 250 reported rape cases. And that’s when we had HUGE amount of immigrants flooding in too, But the difference was. Those immigrants came from Hispanic countries/south america, Asia and Europe. They tend to behave quite a whole lot better in a western society. Since their cutures are quite close.

          • Okay, there is a misunderstanding. I meant syrian refuuges. Sweden accepting refuuges from other countries (like african countries) since 2008 (not sure), they just changed accepting method in 2012 (Humane aid). By the way about culture. Sweden integrating the refuuges by good policy i think. Today i do some research and i’m sure now refugees have a big share in these statistics.
            Sorry for being offensive. Have a nice day 🙂

          • What the f*ck are you talking about? If you knew anything about Sweden, you’d know that the media NEVER blames the refugees for rape. Heck, even the leader of the feminist party refuses to see ANY connection between immigration and rape statistics. They are definitely correlated though; anyone who doesn’t realize that is just in denial.

    • The thing is, they might EXACTLY have a high rape rate BECAUSE they report it. Statistics are based off police reports for the most part. In Scandinavia we are highly encouraged to report a rape, no social stigma. While if you look at countries like for example South Korea, rape reports are rarely occurring because it’s looked down upon, a social taboo. If every country had women report the rapes, we would have a much more clear number and maybe even a different list where Sweden isn´t one of the top 3 countries.

      • You go with that if it makes you feel good, Anya. However, I think you should live in Sweden if you want to claim that the higher rate of rape is false. Nothing like first hand experience to prove your point. Be sure to talk your evening walks through the neighborhoods with
        large immigrant populations so you can show them you support them.

  2. Very bad report writing Barry, and yet on an important matter like Rape. You need correct statistics and causes must be properly assessed and your report fails to address that. You should appoint a person to do peer review for your work to be properly assessed and authentic.

  3. Excellent Article…It underlines the issue is shorts beautifully. In Pakistan rape is sponsored by Army as a reward to acts of terrorism in other countries and for killing of dissenters. Please make a profile for the barbarous acts of Pakistan in Balochistan viz. rape and murders in thousands. They also have suppressed and repressed minorities. At freedom they had 15% minorities now it stands at 1%. There is continuous rape, abduction and murder of minorities. On a lighter note Pakistan is actually trying to end crime against minorities by ending the minorities.

    • Go check the other statistics India has 25000 rapes per year while pakistan only 3000 so shut the f up gandhi rapers

      • Why you forgets that What Pakistani army did with Bengali Muslim womens. It was one of gruesome murder and rape with them. India has six times more population than Pakistan and most of the victims are coming forward to register the cases and in Pakistan most of the cases goes unregister to due social stigma.

    • Such a typical atankwadi, praising its own written article….no wonder whole world knows the rapists and rape capital of the world are DELHI AND hiding your country’s name from the list doesn’t make you saint….India is number rape capital of the world you mother**** racists moron…this list is utter garbage like your faces clowns. Sweden, australia some names are simply pathetic just to remove their name. No one gives a damn to this stinking bull article….WORLD KNOWS RAPE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD IS RUNDIA. Period!

    • Shocked to see lame report as india is not here.Every 22min in india a women loses its virginity….concentrate on your own challenges rather commenting on others

      • No b**tch. The reason you hear the stuff from India is coz we don’t sweep the crime under the carpet as most countries do. Not coz there are more rapes there. Kapish?

        • No b**tch. As the real list is here. Open you eyes which also say the number of cases not reported here are much higher then reported.

          • The same applies everywhere you inbred c**t. Or maybe you don’t want to accept it coz you got s**t for brains.

        • LOL typical excuse, just because you didint find such disgusting stats from Pakistan you naturally assume they must be hiding it, the big conspiracy. Its the insecurity and hate that thrives in “india” where a fascist is elected as leader and appointed ministers call for raping dead bodies of women from minority groups. No wonder these hindu fascists hate muslims, after all Muslims ruled them for centuries and kept them in check.

          • Omar grow up and stop being a facist and blame others. You are merely demonstrating Taqqia.
            Minorities have to keep their wives and little girls in the house to avoid getting raped especially in towns and villages where there is extreme media bias.
            This is factual and documented.

            Stop being an ignorant fool and a liar.

            Just see the achievements from thousands of years back to now in India. If you have the guts you would make an attempt to research this instead of listening to you backward mullahs in Madrasa

    • Pakistani is not like indians who are killing Kashmiris to occupy their land also killing Dallat as well. Who don’t know what is happening with Muslims in India.

    • No India has one of the lowest Rape Rate , It’s feminism thing is boiling in India so they report every news so it feels like there is lot But actual number are very low comparatively

      • shut up maderchod rundia piss drinker goat ****…..stinking kidding us???? Even a blind man knows Rundia is the rape capital of the world….every 20 seconds there is a rape case. every day headlines are full of rundia. Shame on you pathetic liars.

  4. how is it possible that india is not even on the list worst than belgium, not very accurate if you asked me

    • The report was based on crimes per population in each country, India has six times more population than any other mentioned country in this list for ex.Pakistan, Hence if there is 200/100000 rapes in India then it will 200/10000 rapes in Pakistan.

    • It shows that People in India are coming forward to address this issues. But as per crimes per population, Pakistan has much higher rate than India. India has 6 times more population than Pakistan and in Pakistan most of the rape cases goes unregister due to social stigma.

  5. Typical article written by a mother**** racist hindu scum an Indian influenced bigot. By not including top in the list this indicates who is the editor of this…..a big shame on those neglecting a rape cases daily in rape capital world of India. May god kill all you guys! GAY HIND!

  6. First check UN REPORT AND US UK crime rwports depatment of justice report.
    In is america evry 1 in 5 woman rape and more than 300000.reported rape cases but still 63 percent unreported. .
    Wales 83000 every year. France more than 2500000 and germany 645000.
    mostly in house rape cases Like trump want to bang his daughter and mostly you white father rape their daughters which remain unreported.american court sentenced a american father 500 years jail for raping his daughyers since childhood.
    You are bias and racist nut.

  7. well i think author is totally biased or ill informed…… how on earth u can’t find names of ethiopia & india…… per stats , india is the new rape capital of world ….and its not finding its name in the list….this is most biased or poorly prepared article i ever have come across…..

    • Hypothetical situation

      suppose a country has only 100 women, and they all are raped every year.
      so by your logic, that country is totally safe for women coz only 100 women were raped
      as compared to other countries

  8. Love watching all these India-hating muslims and punkasses who buy the western media propoganda getting a slap of truth on their faces. Do some research on your own. Yes India has a problem but it is way lower than any of the western or muslim countries. It’s just that feminist movements in India have gained momentum and every rape gets blown up by the media. Also having 1.3 billion people is sure to make numbers look big. Search web for statistics for rapes per 100,000 women and watch your bubbles burst. India ranked #98 in 2010. Pretty sure it fairs better in the latest statistics.

    • You stupid lamb. U said india-hating muslumans? Ur mind is controlling. There is no muslim that stuff on india. This writer is christian. Get off. Stop believing everyshit on internet.

      • Did you mean there’s no muslim in the comment section hating on India or in general anywhere around the world? If latter, you’re delusional, come back to reality. If former, you’re blind. Also I don’t mean all muslims hate india, if that’s the interpretation you’re making.

        • Idiot, they are indians that hate christians, muslims, jews too. You need to look at the MAJORITY, of course there will be haters. And as a Turkish I can say Turkish muslims doesn’t hate india. Turkey loves watching indian films, tv series. I finished some indian series too.

          • Brother there’s an entire nation of 200 million muslims which spews hate against Indians in their school textbooks and funds terrorists that cause thousands to die every year in India. That country is Islamic republic of Pakistan. They paint India as a rapist country everywhere on the internet. That is the context of my comment. I made it clear in my previous comment I didn’t mean all muslims hate India. There are more muslims in India than the entire middle east and I respect the religion and have many friends. I only mean to target pakistanis who spread lies about India. I listen to turkish songs myself.

          • ohh. today i do some research about it and i saw that some pakistani muslims stuff on india. ok i understood u now. 🙂


  9. Here is no america, no germany? R U kidding me? This site tries to show musluman countries as rapist. This statics are optional and it’s ridiciouls.

  10. abey ghandu ki aulad apka india kahan ha bund mn le lia ha ghandu log aoni he behan chod dete han or phr pakistan ko abu man lete han ghandu lun lo

  11. The Rape rate in India is 2 in 100,000. Even if we consider sources to be under-reported by 1000% (Its really not but for the sake of argument here),That’s 10 times of 2 = 20 in 100,000. That’s still lower than most Nations mentioned here. So people must stop blaming India for rape.

    India is like any other Nation, Not as dangerous as the Top 10 Nations mentioned here in the list.

  12. Thats a serious problem if people from pakistan are trying to defame india that they should also be on this list,brothers please see the problem in your country first .Indians(all religion) treats our women’s as goddess’s from the beginning of time and when mis-happening occurred we stand against it vigorously and pledge to solve the root cause of this which is ill education.
    I am not putting my country in bright light because it already is and this problem is that dark spot which is reducing exponentially now and we will win over it soon.
    So,please get yourself some nation’s first medicine and not indiaallergic medicines in the future.

  13. “I know all I was looking at was numbers, but feeling empathy for numbers
    is something that all modern humans should be trying to do. It’s too
    easy to dehumanize statistics, and dehumanization is one of the primary
    issues involved here. I wold like to point out that there are many
    nations not on this list due to the fact that they don’t release their
    stats, or they simply don’t care. Rape affects those who are physically
    weaker more often than not, it is fundamentally about the exertion of
    power of another. There are countries were women are treated like
    cattle, bought and sold and used and thrown away. There are countries
    were young children are exploited. There are countries were entire
    groups of people, men women and children, are second class,
    intentionally kept weak and abused for years on end until their death.
    Those countries aren’t on this list. And they know who they are.” The whole ending got me numb!!

    • it’s 2017 and this is still happening?? as in countries that aren’t on this list and not releasing the actual figures and doing something about it! I can’t comprehend and this is very much heartbreaking!

  14. what the heck is this bologna? what about india? in india they even rape puppies it seems! Sick people…

  15. Barry, have you heard of a country named India, pl find out what is the rape situation there and you my amend your biased report , and by the way 2017 is still not finished.

  16. Pathetic….the entire world kniws about india. Delhi is infact called the rape capital if the world. Pakistan? Really? Panama?

    I suppose the dude putting this list together was either on pot or out of his brains.

  17. Agree or Disagree, this is the total thoughts of Writer, not based on Facts. Because where is the Rape Capital India in the list which should be in the foremost top, latest news is that atleast 6 rapes daily in the capitol Delhi, Oh God, help Indians and Indian Women

  18. The only reason why European countries are on the list is because those countries have the highest percent of Muslim immigrants.

  19. This crackhead writer needs to get his facts right. According to the National Crime Records Bureau 24,923 rape cases were reported across India in 2012, but experts agree that the number of unreported cases of sexual assault brings the total much higher. Out of these, 24,470 were committed by parents/family, relatives, neighbors and other known persons implying that , men known to the victim committed 98 per cent of reported rapes. The latest estimates suggest that a new case of rape is reported every 22 minutes in India.

  20. LOL a list of highest rape without India or USA is a list literally pulled out of one’s ###. Are you sure the writer too much drinking is not caffeine but somethign else?!


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