Pilots have a very large role in our country’s transportation and economy. Piloting is a job that obviously not everyone can do. It requires serious technical and mental abilities, and yet a lot of people rely on pilots on a daily basis. I think it’s obvious that pilots are useful in commercial airlines, getting large groups of people from one place to another. However, pilots are obviously important in importing and exporting goods across the world. Pilots can also be employed in private contexts, typically so that they can fly private jets for companies or people. There is obviously a lot of demand for pilots, and that’s largely due to the strenuous training that a pilot has to go through in order to be qualified to perform their work.
Average Salary for Pilots in 2018 – $99,373
The average salary for pilots currently sits at about $99,373, which is more than a respectable figure. However, since that is obviously reported as an average salary, that obviously means that some pilots make a lot more than $99,373 per year and some pilots make a lot less than $99,373 per year. What kind of factors can affect a pilot’s given salary? Could location affect how well a pilot is paid? Obviously, people in every part of the country could have some use for a pilot. The ability to fly isn’t only meant for people who live in certain regions. However, I think it’s important to understand that some cities have a larger demand for pilots due to the fact that that city is an important city for airborne transportation. Some of the biggest airports in the country are located in cities like Los Angeles, Atlanta, New York, and Houston. Coincidentally, those are the very same cities where pilots are typically in the highest demand. If you live near (or even in) any of these cities, then you’ll probably be able to find work much easier and you’ll probably be paid a little more competitively.
Finally, how does education factor into a pilot’s salary? Believe it or not, most airlines don’t actually require that applicants possess any kind of formal education. For a lot of them, high school graduation (along with the required certifications and licenses) are enough. However, just like with any other field, possessing some kind of degree related to your work can help you receive promotions or pay raises in the future. An airline may decide to promote you over a co-worker due to the fact that you’re college educated and they’re not. This may not seem fair for the other guy, but you put in the work, and you possess objective evidence that shows that you can get the job done. However, if you can’t get to college, then you shouldn’t feel discouraged from pursuing work in this field. Experience is definitely valued by airlines more than education, and you can still make a lot of money in piloting without receiving any formal higher education.
How to become a pilot – Do you need to go to school?
If you decide not to go down this track in college, then you need to find a flight school. There are some flight schools that are meant to funnel students straight out of their program into an airline. You should investigate those kind of schools if you’re really concerned about being able to find a job once you graduate. Otherwise, you can check out local airport fixed base operators and see if they offer any kind of flight school. Basically, the idea here is that you’re trying to get the education required to legally fly. It’s worth noting that before you even apply to any flight schools, you’re going to want to obtain a medical certificate and student flight certificate. These are basically just documents that allow you to operate an aircraft on your own.
Now, I feel the need to explain that you can’t really expect to get right out of flight school and start flying for a major airline. Since most major airlines require a lot of flight hours from their applicants, you’re going to want to start small. Most pilots start off with a regional airline, which allows them to build up the hours and the experience that many major airlines look for. With hard work and diligence, you should be able to get an officer position at a major airline within a few years. I know that this may seem like a lot of work and a lot of time, but I don’t think you can blame the air industry for wanting to make sure that their pilots are as trained and as prepared as they can possibly be. Plus, the huge paycheck that you’re taking home definitely makes all of that hard work pay off!