Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Average Teacher Salary UK in 2018 – Hourly Wages, Income, & Earnings

Teachers are invaluable assets to society. A teacher does not only teach students in core subjects such as writing, math, and science. They perform the duty of providing young minds with the skills and wisdom to prepare them for the world.

Teaching is becoming an increasingly rewarding career. There are currently more opportunities than ever for advancement within one’s teaching career lifespan. This means one will not only be paid more, but also have more chances to have a positive impact on their pupils.

A teacher’s primary duties consist of creating teaching curriculums that meet regional standards. They must create programs that are equally engaging and informative. They should be passionate about the material they teach, but also genuinely care for their students. An ideal teacher strives to make lasting personal bonds with their students, sometimes performing the role of a parental figure and a counselor.

How much do teachers make in the United Kingdom?

Unfortunately, many teachers are gravely underpaid throughout the world. However, that is thankfully not the case in the United Kingdom. Teachers in the UK are some of the highest paid in the world. The average salary for a teacher in the UK is £28,660. This is nearly £4,000 more than the OECD average of £24,690 annually.

The pay scale of a teacher varies throughout the UK. It is also affected by one’s qualifications and experience. In England and Wales (not including London), teachers typically make £22,467 – £33,160 annually. They can earn as much as £38,250 yearly, but the pay scale can also dip down to wages as low as £16,461 if they are have no qualifications.

Teachers in London make £28,098 to £38,241 annually. The pay for teachers in London can be as high as £46,829, yet an unqualified teacher can be paid as low as £17,542.

Leading practitioners (experienced teachers) usually receive a large pay boost. In England and Wales, they make £38,984 to £59,264 annually. They receive slightly more in London, where the pay ranges from £40,057 to £66,638.

Becoming a headteacher takes even more education and experience. A headteacher makes £44,102 to £108,283 in England and Wales. Again, this is slightly more in London, ranging from £45,181 – £115,582 annually.

How to become a teacher in the United Kingdom

There are numerous options for teacher education, training and certification in the UK. These vary greatly on location, experience, achievement levels, and personal preference.

A teacher in the UK must have QTS (Qualified Teacher Status) from an accredited program. In Scotland, they must attain its equivalents, the SPR (Standard for Provisional Registration) or the TQ (Teaching Qualification). While schools can legally hire unqualified teachers, this practice is uncommon.

Earning QTS/SPR/TQ requires taking an accredited training program. All teachers in the United Kingdom will first take either the ITT (Initial Teacher Training) or the ITET (Initial Teacher Education Training) program. These training programs both involve a minimum of 24 weeks of hands-on teaching experience in at least two different schools. They will often be mentored by a more experienced teacher. Prospective teachers will also take classes during their training for a broader understanding of their career. Throughout their study and practice, their teaching skills will be monitored and assessed.

The School Direct Program (England and Wales only), a program wherein teachers will work at a school while being educated. It will help a teacher secure employment by the end of their training, although it is not always guaranteed. Additionally, teachers who want to earn master’s level credits or their PGCE (Postgraduate Certification in Education) may do so through School Direct.

Participants in the School Direct Program can be either salaried or unsalaried. Salaried trainees in the school direct program can receive an unqualified teacher’s salary at the school they are training at. They are generally expected to continue work at their chosen school at the conclusion of their training. Unsalaried trainees can receive up to £30,000 scholarships, but must have graduated with a 2:2 or above.

Prospective teachers in Wales can earn certification from the GTP (Graduate Teacher Program). This employment-based program is available to undergraduates and postgraduates alike, and offers basic QTS certification and beyond.

In England, QTS may be gained through the SCITT (School-Centered Initial Teacher Training) program. This program is ideal for applicants who are already experienced. The program is a collaboration between groups of local schools. Applicants will be mentored by a more experienced colleague and will collaborate on curriculums designed for their locale.

Teachers who want to make an impact in their community may apply for the Teach First Charity. The Teach First program seeks out exceptional teachers to work with disadvantaged populations. Applications are open every year in June, and the it begins with a six week summer residential for preparation. Applicants need at least 300 UCAS points and must have graduated with a 2:1 or more. Applicants can gain both a QTS and PGCE while being paid. The most exceptional participants are offered an opportunity learn management skills through an LDP (Leadership Development Programme).

Teachers who desire flexibility and adventure may choose to earn a TEFL/TESOL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) qualification. There are more TEFL jobs available than ever due to increased worldwide demand. TEFL teachers will help foreign students learn English, either in the UK or abroad.

There are numerous other teaching programs that can be viewed at UK government websites such as and These vary on location, the subject one teachers, their target age group, experience, education level, and other factors such as personal preference. They are available for undergraduates to postgraduates.



  1. I haven’t read this article but based on Jessica Deml’s track record I’m going to assume it’s filled with fiction. #fakenews


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