Leave the tip!
This may sound a bit counterintuitive, but it is actually pretty logical if you think about it. Â The tips that are left by customers after you serve them, are laid down on the table for you to take so that the next customer can sit down. Â If you have not yet taken the tip, then the customer will not come to take the spot. Â This means that you should be able to pace yourself much more easily by simply holding the tip on the table instead of trying to continuously tap on the tip and then trying to continuously serve people over and over again. Â It will make you feel extremely rushed and make you make more mistakes that will ultimately cost you customers and tip that you should have otherwise gotten. Â That means that you should be trying to hold one or two tips so that you can catch up on the people who are currently sitting at the tables. Â This will allow you to catch your breath and keep yourself composed so that you are not rushing through orders and not able to serve people on time, which will ultimately lower the amount of tip that you get afterwards, therefore leaving you shorter from your goal than you want to be. Â Pacing will be a huge part of the game which will either make your life a lot easier or your life a lot more difficult if you are rushing through it and not taking this advice.
Two hands, not three!
Allow the Prep Cook to do some work
You will notice when you play Cooking Dash that you will have a cook on hold whenever you need him to make some food.  Make sure that you are taking full advantage of him by trying to keep him busy the whole time.  If one food is popular, get him to make an additional order of that food so that you can have that food already prepared so that you can just hand out the food without having to ask the chef to cook the food and then waiting for the chef to finish.  This will save you a ton of time so that you don’t have to go through any kind of waiting time.  As long as you keep your Prep Chef working at all times, you can make things a lot quicker.  If you can manage to do all of this, then you should be able to be pretty good throughout the entire game and each level.  This will help you because you will get a ton more additional time and tips through getting order out quicker.
Looking to spend money? Â Go for Grandma
This may sound a bit weird, but yes, Grandma is the best prep chef that you can ever get in this game. Â If you
Spend a large chunk of your time in the beginning
You may be a bit confused by this tip, but it does make a ton of sense if you really think about it.  First of all, you will have to download the game and then start it up.  Because this game runs off of energy, meaning if you have no energy, you can’t do anything, you will be able to earn a couple of rounds of new energy so that you can continuously get round after round of energy full so that you will be able to be able to go around for 30 to 60 minutes where you can keep on going run after run because you gain level after level due to the fact that you will earn a full energy bar every single time that you get a new level.  That means that going level after level will allow you to be able to get through a ton of levels without having to stop because of energy use.
Upgrade your equipment so that you can serve more
By making sure that you can serve more people, try and get a couple more upgrades to your kitchen appliances so that you will be able to reduce the amount of time that it takes to cook the food so that you can serve customers a bit quicker so that you will earn more coins so that you can upgrade even more applications. Â If you manage to upgrade the warming station, then you should be able to keep your food warm so that you can keep your food warmer for a longer amount of time.
Go for a re-play
If you are low on coins and can’t afford the upgrades to your machines to reduce time and can’t continue to the next level, then you should look to replay a level so that you can earn additional coins.  However, you will be losing a bit of energy, so you should be a bit knowledgable about that, but it is worth it in the end.