Hank Green is most famous for being a vlogger on YouTube, but he is also a producer, inventor and a musician. His most famous project is VlogBrothers with his famous brother, author John Green. Hank also is involved with other ventures such as producing content for The Discovery Channel, The New York Times, Scientific American, NASA, and Mental Floss Magazine.
How Hank Green Got Famous
Hank Green started off as a normal person with a famous brother. He went to Winter Park High School in Orlando, Florida, and then pursued a degree in Biochemistry, and then a Master’s degree in Environmental Studies at the University of Montana. In 2007, he started a YouTube channel with aforementioned famous brother, John Green, called VlogBrothers. What started off as an attempt at improving their relationship became the vehicle for Hank’s success. The channel is still going strong in 2017, a full ten years later. The quality of the content and their equipment has certainly improved. Recently on Twitter, Hank Green has also credited the Affordable Care Act for letting him be able to start his business, since he was able to get insurance even with his debilitating pre-existing intestinal disorder.
Hank Green’s Vlogging Career
With the success of the VlogBrothers Channel came many fans, who called themselves NerdFighters. They had a meeting with that group of fans in 2008, and attracted the attention of Google executives, who invited them to the Chicago office to speak about Brotherhood 2.0. Eventually, Hank and John received a grant from Google to produce and create an educational channel called Crash Course. Hank teaches most of the science course on that channel, and also runs another channel called SciShow. He helped to produce a web series called The Lizzie Bennet Diaries with other YouTubers. Hank Green also produces content for the Mental Floss channel, and the How to Adult channel.
With the success of the VlogBrothers Channel came many fans, who called themselves NerdFighters. They had a meeting with that group of fans in 2008, and attracted the attention of Google executives, who invited them to the Chicago office to speak about Brotherhood 2.0. Eventually, Hank and John received a grant from Google to produce and create an educational channel called Crash Course. Hank teaches most of the science course on that channel, and also runs another channel called SciShow. He helped to produce a web series called The Lizzie Bennet Diaries with other YouTubers. Hank Green also produces content for the Mental Floss channel, and the How to Adult channel.
Hank Green’s Business Ventures
Hank Green is a prolific and ambitious person who seems to fill all his spare time with businesses and projects. Hank spawned a blog called “EcoGeek,” which concentrated on various advancements in technology that would help out the environment. This was during his graduate school days. Hank Green is a musician who has gotten on the Billboard Top 25, and released five albums under his own label, DFTBA Records. DFTBA stands for Don’t Forget to be Awesome which is often repeated on the VlogBrothers channel. He started VidCon, which is the conference for content creators on Youtube. Hanks also invented 2-D glasses, which allow the user to watch a 3-D movie normally. Other Hank Green projects include DFTBA Games, Subbable(which was purchased by Patreon!), Project For Awesome, Cereal Time, and NerdCon:Stories.
Hank Green’s Romantic Life
Hank Green married Katherine Green in 2006. Katherine just gave birth to their first child in October 2016. The little boy is named Orin.
Hank Green Snapchat Username – hankgre
Want to add Hank Green to your Snapchat feed? Just click here.
Hank Green was not able to get his full name as his SnapChat username, and he seems a little bitter about it. As he posted on his Twitter account, “For those asking I’m hankgre on snapchat. And yes, that means someone /else/ is hankgreen and THEY CAN SUCK IT”
Hank Green’s Other Social Media Accounts
What is Hank Green’s Personal Facebook? Hank Green’s personal Facebook profile is here. You can follow it, but he is no longer accepting friend requests on that page, and he has not made any public posts since 2013. Funnily enough, one of the last public posts Hank made is expressing his surprise that the vlogbrothers channel was doing well on YouTube. His “Public Figure” Facebook page is much more active. You can join his 300,000 followers here to get updates on his Youtube videos, new episodes of the podcast that he does with his brother called Dear Hank and John, as well as personal posts about what it’s like being a new father.
What is Hank Green’s Tumblr name?
Hank Green’s Tumblr name is Edwardspoonhands. You can follow him here.
What is Hank Green’s Twitter name?
Hank Green’s Twitter name is HankGreen. You can follow him here. He uses this platform to post personal thoughts and reflections, as well as promoting his videos, podcast, and his various other businesses. He also often retweets things his fans post, so if you are a member of the Nerdfighter community, it would be worth it to follow him.
What is Hank Green’s Instagram name?
You can find Hank Green on Instagram here, and his username is, of course, hankgreen. He is less active here than he is on other social media platforms.
What is Hank Green’s Kik Username or Code?
It looks like this is one public platform that Hank Green is not a part of, at least not publically.
What is Hank Green’s YouTube Page?
Not only is Hank Green on YouTube at his main channels Hank’s Channel and VlogBrothers, he is also the creator of the conference for YouTube creators and fans called VidCon. This conference happens every summer in Anaheim, CA. Hank Green is also active on the following channels – CrashCourse, SciShow, thebrainscoop, sexplanations, Healthcare Triage, How To Adult, hankgames, 100days, and The Lizzie Bennet Diaries.
Ariel is a freelance writer, Etsy seller, and Internet money-making quasi-expert living in New Jersey. She is pursuing her A.A. In Marketing at Brookdale Community College. Ariel enjoys traveling, hiking, unnecessary impulse purchases, and making things with her hands.