Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Dreamland Baby After Shark Tank – 2025 Update

Dreamland Baby Before Shark Tank

Dreamland Baby was founded in 2019 by, mother of four, Tara Williams. She came up with the idea as an exhausted mother after a night of little to no sleep. At the time, Tara’s youngest son was just a newborn baby. There was a night when he was struggling to sleep through the entire night. Tara stayed up with him, trying a variety of ways to calm him. Finally, she grabbed a heavier blanket and laid it on him. Thankfully, the weight of the blanket was exactly what was needed to calm him. This then gave her the idea to create weighted swaddles for babies.
These weighted swaddles were the first product to start Dreamland Baby. In fact, Tara’s mother-in-law had helped Tara sew the very first one for her son. The swaddles are blankets that can be worn, sort of like overalls, with the feet being enclosed. They have multiple layers that are made from cotton and have poly pellets sewn in between each layer. They are placed at the front of each piece. These poly pellets are what give the swaddles the weight needed to calm the baby and get them to sleep.
It started off with Tara only making these products for her friends and family; however, that started spreading the word about her swaddles. After seeing how popular these swaddles were between the few people that knew of them, Tara decided why not take it a step further. She then went on to introduce her product to a Kickstarter campaign, which raised her $24,541 in just 3 days. From there, Dreamland Baby was brought to life. Tara was able to start selling her swaddles on her official Dreamland Baby website, as well as on Amazon. Nonetheless, Tara would like a shark to help her further expand her business overall. Can she get a deal with a shark? TheBundle Image 1200x1200 c64ce085 ca7d 43e3 a408 27a90ef5d5fd 600x

Dreamland Baby on Shark Tank

Tara Williams appears on Shark Tank hoping to get a deal of $100,000 and a 10% equity in her company, Dreamland Baby. Tara hands each of the sharks a sample swaddle and begins telling them how she came up with the idea. She includes that each swaddle costs between about $12.20 and $13.60, to make, depending on the size. She continues on to say that each product is priced at $79 on her website, as well as on Amazon. Given that, her overall sales thus far are only around $30,000. The majority of those sales coming from the Kickstarter campaign.
Already, the sharks seem concerned. Those sales numbers are telling them that Dreamland Baby has not yet reached the title of being a company, it’s only a product at this time. Seeing the shark’s reactions, Tara tries to save her chances by mentioning that, because there are no companies like hers, she could turn Dreamland Baby into a real successful business. However, this is when the sharks begin to drop out. Kevin O’Leary goes out first, with Mark Cuban following closely behind. Though, before leaving, Mark mentions to Tara that he believes her product is creative.
Tara turns to ask Robert Herjavec if h has any offer to present. Robert states that he doesn’t see any possible return happening if he had invested, therefore he goes out on the deal. At this point, the only remaining shark is Lori Greiner. Lori starts off by mentioning that he likes the idea; however, she feels like there may be issues with licensing. Nonetheless, she decides to make Tara an offer for $100,000 for a 25% equity. Tara attempts to counter this offer to a 20% stake instead. Lori declines and counter-offers a 22.5% equity. Tara accepts Lori’s final offer for $100,000 and a 22.5% equity in Dreamland Baby. 155505 SHRK 1122 20200506 0001 e1589558475451

Dreamland Baby Now in 2025 – The After Shark Tank Update

After receiving a deal with Lori Greiner on Shark Tank, Tara’s Dreamland Baby business seems to be doing well. Although the deal between Tara and Lori did not end up closing. Tara continues to sell her swaddles on her website and on Amazon. Though, she did have to cut back on her Amazon inventory due to people creating fake duplicates of her products. As for her real swaddles, it appears that she has been getting great 5-star reviews. Luckily, she’s gotten her products into some stores as well. Those stores include Target, Bloomingdale’s, Baby list, and Nordstrom.
As of 2025, Dreamland Baby has an annual revenue of $2.5 million, which seems to be growing. Along with that, the company has made over $10 million in overall sales. Tara seems to be keeping her claim to make Dreamland Baby a successful business and even making it a reality. She continues posting recent updates about her products on her Instagram account, as well as providing tips and tricks to help parents help their babies get to sleep each night. Additionally, Tara has launched a few new products to her line such as a transition swaddle, a sleep sack, pajamas, blankets, and even crib sheets. She even sells her products in bundle packs now. All of these items can be found on her Dreamland Baby website.
Melissa Buechler
Melissa Buechler
Graduated from Washington Virtual Academies and have been a freelance writer for about 2 years now. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my pets, gaming, etc.


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