Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Baby Toon After Shark Tank – 2025 Update

The Baby Toon Before Shark Tank

At just 7 years old, a young entrepreneur by the name of Cassidy Crowley created a device known as The Baby Toon. Initially, Cassidy came up with the idea for The Baby Toon for a Science and Engineering Fair she was taking part in. Nonetheless, her inspiration for the device came to mind after her mother shared her concerns about feeding time for her younger siblings. More specifically, her mother was concerned about using normal spoons to feed them due to how rough they could potentially be on her young sister’s gums. Not to mention the risk of choking that is placed on the child when a silver or plastic spoon is used during feeding. Knowing this was a common problem many parents may face, and wanting to bring relief to her mother, Cassidy thought of The Baby Toon.

The Baby Toon is a silicone 2-in-1 device for young children. More specifically, it’s a cross between a spoon and a teething toy. The Baby Toon was created with a ft silicon to make feedings much more safe and easy for parents and their young children. Not only that, but the handle-like design makes it easier for children to hold onto them themselves. The spoon portion of the device was intentionally created to be short to reduce the risk of choking. Additionally, these spoons can be used as a creative, fun way for children to learn about shapes, animals, and colors due to the variety these spoons come in.

When it came time to create the design, Cassidy had a pretty good idea on how the device should be made. She wanted the spoon to be made out of silicone to ensure that it wouldn’t be able to cause harm to young children’s gums, nor would it be too likely for them to choke on it. Unfortunately, she was unable to have the molds for The Baby Toon crated in the United States like she’d hoped. Instead, she had to connect with a company called Extreme Molding, located in Albany, New York. The company successfully created the molding from an FDA-approvd silicone. Not only if the FDA, silicone important for food exposure, but it’s also great for making the spoons soft for young children. 71uLuF5NHHL. CR020412241224 UX256 Originally, there was never a plan in place to sell the spoons; however, teachers and families at the fair encouraged her to do so. To officially start off her business, Cassidy began selling The Baby Toon spoons to regions through the United States and Hawaii. Shortly after the product started becoming popular, she was able to start selling them on Amazon, and Munchkins official website, as well as through a few other retailers. Cassidy eventually decided that she would like The Baby Toon to be made and distributed in the United States from here on out; however, that may require a bit of a helping hand. The young entrepreneur and her mother are hoping a shark will want to help them further succeed in her business. Cassidy would like to start donating $1,000 to the Kapi’olani Medical Center, where she was born, each time she brings in a good profit.

The Baby Toon on Shark Tank

When Cassidy Crowley was 10 years old, she and her mother entered to appear on Shark Tank. They are hoping to get a deal of $50,000 for a 50% equity in The Baby Toon. And, while her mother went with her for support and help, Cassidy took over and began pitching her idea. She tells the sharks all about her story and how she decided to create The Baby Toon. After taking the sharks through her journey leading up to this point, they’re already impressed; however, Cassidy continues talking and shocks them when she begins telling them about the silicone. Not to mention, they were astonished to discover how educated she was regarding patents, which she had already had in place as well. baby toon

To conclude her pitch, she shares information on her recent earnings with the sharks. The Baby Toon spoons each cost her $6.60 to make and thy sell at $15 each. With that in mind, Cassidy explains that she has made $5,000 in sales thus far. Unfortunately, the majority of the sharks back out of the deal pretty quickly; however, Lori Greiner stays in. She loves the idea, and she would like to help Cassidy. She says she wants to witness Cassidy’s growth within her business and offers the young entrepreneur the $50,000 she asked for in exchange for a 50% equity in The Baby Toon. Cassidy accepts Lori’s offer, but before leaving the stage, Kevin O’Leary offers her to sit in his chair. He thinks she’s a shark and that she should have a moment to feel like one!

The Baby Toon Now in 2025 – The After Shark Tank Update

Cassidy Crowley’s Shark Tank experience went quite well, considering she landed a deal with Lori Greiner. In fact, she got the exact deal she was hoping for. Since the episode aired, the deal with Lori has closed, and The Baby Toon has gotten a license deal with Munchkin, another baby-related brand. Although Cassidy was already on her way to running a successful and popular baby brand, the deal with Munchkin really helped her out. Though, that deal closed at the end of 2021. The Baby Toon spoons are actually being sold through Munchkin now, as well as Amazon, her company website, and some other retailers.

The Baby Toon spoons became more in demand after Cassidy appeared on Shark Tank. She started receiving many orders, and she launched new colors such as Lime Alligator, Blue Koala, and Mint Elephant. The price for these spoons has been dropped from $15 down to just $6 each. Additionally, Cassidy was featured on Shark Tank’s Greatest of All Time Special, where Kevin O’Leary praised her for her accomplishments and told her how impressed he was by her. aboutpic 600x600@2x

All in all, Cassidy Crowley has certainly done a great job with her business, and it seems that she will be continuing it for years to come. It’s clear that The Baby Toon business has made a difference in the baby industry, and Cassidy still has more room for her business to grow. It’s likely The Baby Toon sales may even spike once more after Lori Greiner wrote about Cassidy and her business on her website. Lori wrote:

Melissa Buechler
Melissa Buechler
Graduated from Washington Virtual Academies and have been a freelance writer for about 2 years now. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my pets, gaming, etc.


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