Monday, February 10, 2025

Best Supplements for Men 40 Years Old & Older

It is said that life begins at forty.

It is also in forty years of age where men have to be more careful with what they eat and what they do with their bodies. It is not the same during the earlier years when it was okay to gobble up everything under the sun without the fear of triggering a condition or raising certain levels.

But with the help of certain supplements and their wide array of health benefits, coupled with exercise and the right diet, men around this age can still be in tip-top shape and feel as if they are still in their teenage years.

Take note that this article is written for informational purposes only based on research and should not be substituted for actual medical advice. Always seek first the opinion of an expert regarding these supplements so you will know what do you need and to avoid possible complications that may arise.



An amino acid that helps in producing energy through ATP, as aging greatly diminishes the body’s ability to produce the latter. The deficit of ATP is evident through bouts of lethargy and fatigue, and it can also lead to neurological disorders such as depression and Alzheimer’s since the brain relies heavily on that energy. Some of the benefits of regular supplementation of acetyl-l-carnitine include sharpened memory, remedying male infertility and symptoms of testosterone deficiency, and improved circulation in the brain. You might come across with l-carnitine supplements in the market, but these are not as effective as acetyl-l-carnitine as the former does not provide nootropic benefits and has trouble passing through the blood-brain barrier, while the latter is easily absorbed.




As men age, their bone mass begins to falter and eventually it will lead to osteoporosis if left unchecked. Supplementation of calcium is important to keep the skeletal system in top shape, and it also provides the body with other benefits like strengthening the cardiac muscles, and maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. Dietary calcium is abundant in dairy products, while non-dairy sources include white beans, sardines, kale, oranges, and almonds. The nutrition facts label on food products indicates calcium on a percentage, and you can simply substitute a zero to the percent symbol to determine its daily value. So if the label says 20%, it is 200 milligrams. If you manage to derive enough calcium from your everyday meals then there is usually no need to take a calcium supplement anymore, as having too much of the mineral in the body can trigger certain health risks and do more harm than good. Calcium is also best paired with vitamin D as the latter greatly helps in the absorption of the mineral.


Vitamin D

Aside from helping the body absorb calcium, the sunshine vitamin sharpens mental acuity, strengthens the immune system, and even lowers the risk of certain cancers. To obtain the most of this vitamin from the sun, an exposure of at least ten minutes up to 30 without sunscreen is needed. If weather conditions prohibit sun exposure, or in case of the need to stay indoors due to work, you can rely on supplementation instead as there are very few food sources of vitamin D available. Fish liver oil, mackerel, salmon, and tuna contain good amounts of the vitamin, while cheese, egg yolks, organ meat have minute quantities of it. If you are confused as to what kind of vitamin D between D2 and D3 to get, go for D3 as it is proven to be superior compared to D2.


Coenzyme Q10


Another important nutrient that plays a key role in the production of energy through the foods we eat, and its levels in the body decrease men age. Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ 10, is also a potent antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals, or damaging particles derived from different sources and are responsible for many health problems and signs of aging. CoQ 10 has also shown some potential in lowering elevated blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, helping with some cardiovascular problems like angina, arrhythmia, and cardiomyopathy, and remedying periodontal disease. Food sources of CoQ 10 include broccoli, fish, nuts, dark leafy greens, pork, and shellfish, but these provide only minute amounts. Softgel supplements are believed to be more superior than the dry capsules as the former is more bioavailable.


Vitamin E

A powerful antioxidant that is a must for men in their 40’s as it repairs the damages wrought on the body by free radicals. Sperm cells are among those that can be jeopardized by those toxins, and a regular dose of vitamin E can help ensure its protection, count, and motility. The vitamin can also aid in thinning blood and prevent them from clumping which leads to heart disease, and reduce the risk of serious health problems ranging from lung cancer to stroke. Food sources of vitamin E include sunflower seeds, dark leafy greens, hazelnuts, walnuts, avocados, and shellfish. Oil sources E like sunflower, wheat germ, and soybean contain good amounts of vitamin E but are very sensitive, as exposure to high heat or light can destroy their vitamin content.




Diabetes is among the health problems aging men are at greater risk of. Chromium is a mineral that helps control the levels of blood sugar by enhancing the insulin sensitivity of your body. This action also lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease especially towards overweight individuals. Chromium levels in the body steadily decline as aging takes its course, making supplementation vital in order to maintain the right amount of the mineral. Food sources of chromium include broccoli, green beans, potatoes, orange and grape juice, apples, bananas, beef, and turkey breast, but dietary sources of the mineral are not properly absorbed by the body. Chromium supplements on health stores usually come with different names like chromium polynicotinate, chromium picolinate, and many others. Chromium picolinate is the specific variant that is proven to be the most effective among the other forms of supplementation, followed by chromium pidolate, and then chromium nicotinate.




An essential mineral that plays a role in many different kinds of enzymatic reactions, not to mention enhancing immune function and wound healing rate, boosting testosterone levels, and delaying the progression of macular degeneration due to age. Since it is an essential mineral, the body relies on external sources of zinc and cannot produce it internally. It is abundant in seafood like oysters and lobsters, cashews, chickpeas, cheese, beef, and pork. Certain grain products and cereals advertise abundance in zinc per serving, but their phytate content actually has a negative effect on the absorption of the mineral, making the statement a contradiction. Zinc levels can be easily gauged with the use of a zinc assay test wherein a teaspoon of zinc assay is tasted, and a lack of flavor indicates a deficiency in the mineral while a strong bitter taste is a sign of adequate levels.



Heart disease strikes anyone regardless of age, and chances increase as people get older. Sudden cardiac death is the most common cause of death in the United States, and men are twice more likely to be affected than women. Enhance heart health by consuming foods rich in omega-3 such as fatty fish (lake trout, herring, mackerel, salmon, tuna) and their oils, flaxseed oils, and chia seeds and oils. Omega-3 works by reducing inflammation on the body, thus reducing the risk of heart disease and instances of damaging your blood vessels. A diet of omega-3 rich fish twice a week is the recommended serving of the American Heart Association, while taking supplements to further increase the intake as per advice of a medical professional. Too much omega-3 can lead to excessive bleeding.

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Have you tried any of these supplements? Did they make you feel forever young? Do you know other supplements that can help men in their forties? Let us know in the comments.

Anthony Coyle
Anthony Coyle
I write about anything and everything that catches my fancy, but mostly I try to provide the answers to the questions our readers ask every day. I'm also the guy who's always glued to an LCD screen of some sort.


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