The PS2 has a lot of classics but SOCOM games stood out for bringing a different way to play. The popular third-person shooter developed by Zipper Interactive and published by Sony is remembered for being one of the first titles to bring online play to the PS2.
The first game, SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs, featured 12 single player missions but that was not the main attraction of the game. The game had online play, which made it stand out from other titles at the time because it used a headset. This was actually the first PS2 game to use a headset on offline missions and online. A year after its release, the game had sold two million copies around the world.
The online gameplay featured three game modes, where you had to take out your opponents, rescue people or take out the opponent’s base. Games today feature many more online game modes, but at the time, this was super fun and unique. Being able to talk to your team through a headset and come up with a strategy to win made the game very popular. The games were far from done and another PS2 classic is next.
We’re talking about SOCOM II, which was released in 2003. The game once again featured 12 single player missions and a number of objectives in them that could be completed for a higher score. But gamers were back for the online play, which now had twelve online maps. The game also brought back ten maps from the first game. The online play also allows players to talk but it now came with a number of improvements. Players were now able to mute players before the game and there was now a clan roster and friend list.
SOCOM II was huge for the series because it received great reviews, with many critics saying that it was close to perfect. The game remained popular even after the release of the PS3, with many players requesting for it to be released on the newer console. SOCOM II is still talked about today and PS4 owners have also asked for the title to be brought back. The online servers for some of the SOCOM games, were shut down a few years ago. The PS4 has added a number of PS2 classics and when gamers get a chance to request a game, it is usually one of the most mentioned.
SOCOM II was not the last of the series for the PS2, SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs was released in 2005. A year later, it became part of the Greatest Hits lineup, meaning it had sold a lot of copies throughout the year. The third game now had 14 single player missions and the popular online play. The game did not disappoint and continued the success of the first two games, receiving good reviews.
In 2006, SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs: Combined Assault was released. The PS2 game now featured 18 missions for single player. This game also allowed players to replace the AI team and play the story online. The online play brought all the maps from SOCOM 3 and ten new ones. The game received three map packs.It also received mixed reviews but the bad news for the series didn’t start here.
SOCOM Games For PS3
The next game, SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation, was developed by Slant Six Games and released for the PS3 in 2008. Fans had the option to buy SOCOM Confrontation with the new official PS3 Bluetooth headset, download it through the PlayStation Network or buy the standalone game. The PS3 title did not feature a campaign and was all about online play. That change wasn’t bad since SOCOM games were popular
SOCOM Confrontation did not receive the greatest reviews and fans were not happy with the game crashing randomly while playing or looking for a match. Other patches and downloadable content were released but some gamers had already left to play other games. Fans were disappointed with the PS3 release but they had not forgotten about the previous games. The PS2 titles were still popular after the release of the PS3 and fans believed the series would come back with a better game.
The multiplayer servers for SOCOM Confrontation were shut down in 2014.
SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs was released in 2011. The game developed by Zipper Interactive now had online co-op mode. The game also had a quick match system where players would join a game faster. A Party feature was later added, so players could invite friends to play before looking for a match. SOCOM 4 left out a few game modes from previous games and only brought one back. The game later added a second game mode from previous games with downloadable content.
The game received mixed reviews and the future of the series did not look good a year after the release of SOCOM 4. Zipper Interactive planned to do a lot more with the game but in 2012, that all stopped.
In March of 2012, it was confirmed that the game developer had been closed. Zipper Interactive also developed MAG, a game which stood out in 2010 for online matches of up to 256 players. Almost two years after Zipper Interactive was closed, online servers for SOCOM 4 and MAG were shut down.
PSPÂ Games
The PlayStation Portable also received four SOCOM games. The games were similar to the PS2 titles and they were also very popular. The last game for it was SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3, which was developed by Slant Six Games.
New Game In The Future?
Most of the SOCOM games received good reviews and were very popular but the future of the series does not look good. Zipper Interactive was closed in 2012 and a year later Slant Six Games was closed. Zipper Interactive released most of the SOCOM games but Slant Six Games released the latest PSP Game as well as SOCOM Confrontation. With the two game developers now closed, it seems like fans will have to wait for a while before a PS4 game is released. Back in December of last year, it was reported by many sites that a SOCOM game for PS4 would not be coming anytime soon. There are plenty of petitions and requests from fans asking to bring back SOCOM II but nothing has been confirmed. We’re hoping that Sony surprises us with a remastered SOCOM II on the PS4.
Did you play SOCOM games? What is your favorite in the series? Let us know in the comments.
I miss it dearly. Ps4 is just a glorified cable box without it.
Check out H-Hour on PC, Steam Early Access. Spiritual successor designed by David Sears and being developed by a small Indie Studio, SOF Studios.
Ya man, H Hour is definitely a good example of how Socom 2 used to be!
Socom 2 was one of the greatest game that was ever made. If Sony made a Socom 5 with todays graphics and UI advancements but kept the game play feeling like Socom 2 it would blow people away.
I think Ubisoft would be a great company to make a Socom 5 but they would need to keep the feel the same as Socom 2. THAT is what killed the game.
While this article claims success for the other Socom games, Each Socom game sold less and less copies and it was because they moved farther and farther away from the Original Socom formula.
Too this day i play with guys i met on socom. Over a decade now. We still talk about socom. We used to have daylong sittings with that game…like literally. I remember 1 26 hour non stop sitting. I miss that game
socom is missed by myself. Loved this whole series, obviously S2 was the best, but I played them all for their whole life span.
I am waiting for socom or HHour hit the PS4 system very soon. Would be great.
Good read! Keep plugging the name! #Socom
Unfortunately h hour does not look like it will get released…
I bought a PC just to play HHour… I invested money in H Hour…Buttt Resurgence crushes this game 100 to 1 in comparison to socom. I usually never comment, Never!!! But I must give facts… The feel of resurgence is between confrontation and socom 2.. H Hour isn’t even in the same ball park… Buff said…
Something that ruined this franchise and scared people away was the dam cheaters. I know its eventually why i stopped. Of course it did get worse as the series progressed. Trying to copy other franchises hurt them. Just stick to Socom 2 formula and they’d have many fans return im sure.
Socom 2 was the best thing to happen to Playstation PERIOD. We need it remastered for Ps4!!
@WeWantSocomHD & @SOCOMREMASTERED On Twitter
I seriously miss SOCOM Confrontation I played many hours a day I am still friends with the people I played with and still visit someone those people after 6 years on the game you could not help but make real lasting friendships I hope they bring back SOCOM no matter the version as long as it keeps those same SOCOM classic values we all love..
What was your name?
zFaLsiFy was mine
Remember zTriGGa-PuLLa-_X
Liability- bruhh
Trig! What’s good bro? Add me on PS4.
I’d take any Socom at this point, but my favorites in order are:
Socom Confrontation (hated it at first, but than it grew on me)
Socom 3 (CA)
Socom 1
Socom 4 (shouldn’t have even been called Socom, straight garbage)
Add me on PS4, zFaLsiFy
Need to check out Resurgence. It’s our hope for a new socom
Socom II to me was the best. At the time and still today it hasn’t been matched in my opinion. Sure there’s something abouto running around thoughtlessly with the common trend of games, but it was something about having to obtain skills like a typical warfare of booby traps of mines or claymore, hiding in the elements. Socom II offered the respawn option too but it took actual team work and communication, not just solo effort or stats.
Happy to see XLINK and XBS LINK keeping up and trying to still offer this game online!! Trying to keep it alive as Sony doesn’t care anymore!
What brought me here is trying to figure out whether, in 2016, there’s still a somewhat active community for SOCOM II on xlink. I have the opportunity to snag up a PS2 and like 15 games (one of which is SOCOM II) for $50, but I wanted to hear from somebody about the current state of the xlink community first.
miss socom 2…soo many hours of gameplay
@WeWantSocomHD & @SOCOMREMASTERED On Twitter! If you would like to join the movement to get them to the PS4, join up and raise hell.
Also, SOCOM II- Crossroads. The end.
Xroads was the stuff too lol. Always a full room
Awww joking right. I won’t buy stuff from sony till they make a socom I don’t care what kinda socom we are talking about hey sony you suck you shut down socom 4 butt holes. Please single life per round let’s have it a mix of socom games. Lets see how much 400. 300. 50 near 800 I think maybe more I would spend just when it comes out. Hooked so make me a socom so I can hear all you fools running around and I can knife you and corner camp your butt and gun you down. Hahaha. Lets see I’m getting old you sony fools
Please bring back socom2 for PS4 I know a bunch of ppl that would buy it please please please!!!!
Man we really need Socom 2 on PS4 …sigh I am still stuck in my Socom past,
I don’t own a PS4 for mainly this reason THERE’S NO SOCOM! I tell you in all honesty if any type of socom was released on the new system I will purchase at any cost everything needed to play Elimination and demolition all night long WTF!!!! How can’t anyone with game development power see the potential of the clans that were created and matches that the countless ppl we all met online had everyday all damn night yeah f you sony, I own every socom and psp versions and have resulted to dowloading xlink kia for PS2 to get a bit of a taste of what was. Whoever made this HORRIBLE decision cut all of our throats with our wasted money for map packs and socom4 as a whole . In the words of espn C’Mon Man!!!! WTF, Thanks for showing us that all things DIE! Hails44-PEACE OUT
Thinking of doing the xlink. How does that work and are there anyone even playing on it?
That the industry doesn’t grasp the advantages of reproducing Socom, the right way as in the PS2 version for PS4 is pure ignorance and insanity. That it could be adapted to the VR on PS4 would be incredible. They don’t see the guaranteed $BILLION in sales ??!! Some real idiots over at Sony.
Socom 1 and 2 were the best times I had online gaming. Rainbow six is next up. But nothing compares to socom two I loved that game best online play.
Desert Glory was a really good map, Blizzard was also fun, the other on a oil rig was a fast paced map
Frostfire and weirdly enough abandoned were my favorites
Desert Glory, Fault, Citadel (especially) were my favorites through the series.
best game ever!!!! wtf is wrong with those guys??? money always splits any group…. don’t be gay!!! more socom!!!!!
I still think back to SOCOM I and II. So many great memories. The problem with all the shooter games now-a-days are that there’s no teamwork or strategy. There’s no suspense like you felt in Socom II. Not even close. It’s just mad chaos. A group of individuals out to level up. I miss the team aspect and the suspense. I’d do anything for a remastered SOCOM II or even just activating the old SOCOM II servers and I’ll gladly go out and buy an old used PS2 and continue playing one of the greatest games PlayStation has put out.
I think they should make it somewhat like the division where you can run to and from and hide behind obstacles. Shoot from cover. I think that should be implemented in every shooter game 1st person or 3rd. Should be able to customize weapons and uniforms to blend in, graphics like the division and battlefield maybe environment destruction like in battlefield 4 b awesome. Blowing holes in buildings to expose ur targets falling debris killing them also,take buildings down. More gory , realistic amounts of hits b4 u die.singlr headshot dead n so on, Be cool if you could revive one another have classes like in battlefield . Maybe vehicles like boats humvees choppers. Hiding in your environment would be cool so you dunno where your getting hit from. I think a new socom could be possible just some improvements just need to be made. Take some aspects from other games out today and implement them into a socom style of gameplay where u need to use teamwork to take out the enemy. Rush style of gameplay is cool where u move through the map taking defensive positions. Or destroying tech or w/e. Be great to see the game comeback with today’s improvements in gaming n graphics n physics deff need a good 3rd person shooter. I love how the division looks and plays just wish it was more battle like as socom and don’t like how u have to shoot someone a million times to kill them. If they took division and made it more battle like as in socom it be such an awesome game by far!
I need to play socom 2 again. Bring it back someone!
I loved SOCOM 2 definitely. Also I don’t know why all the bad reviews with Confrontation but for me I miss that game so much. All these other games like Battlefield, COD, etc. etc. just don’t do it for me.. If I could pick one, I miss Confrontation the most and would love to get a new updated version of that game. I truly hope they consider making a new Confrontation. I would be first in line to buy it. Nuff said.
Best online game series of all time!! Please bring it back. My family and i talk about this game all the time during family events and socials.
SOCOM 2 was THE best game out there! I was heartbroken to hear that Zipper had shutdown! Someone needs to bring back SOCOM 2, I’m sure whoever does will be an instant Billionaire!! Crossroads was THE best map ever played in any game!! I still remember some of the most epic battles I ever witnessed in a online game ever!! We Socom Lovers want it back, and some of us (like me) may even NEED it back! Whoever is reading these posts about our beloved SOCOM, do us a great favor and bring it back. And for whoever is reading these posts again about our beloved SOCOM, do yourself a favor and make yourself a butt-load of money and BRING IT BACK!!!
Socom 2! Dang it man what a game best third person shooter! Just remake Socom 2 already whats there to think about?! All of these classic Ps2 games are being reborn such as; Jack and Dexter, God of War and Max Payne but not Socom 2 and people ALWAYS ask for it. Even when Socom Confrontation (online only) was active people would always be discussing Socom 2 in the lobby or while playing. Socom Confrontation was the closest game to Socom 2 ( Actually game play) meaning classic mode not shoulder view. Socom 4 was not Socom completely different game play, Socom Confrontation game play was better! Just bring back Socom 2 ill pay the dam 60 dollars just to have a great game again man!