Monday, February 10, 2025

Remember Mad Catz? The Craziest Accessories Released

If you like buying tech accessories, especially for gaming, you have probably heard of Mad Catz. The company, which was founded back in 1989, was around for the Game Boy Color, PS1, Xbox and many other releases. But last month, the company announced it had filed for bankruptcy, leaving the market without its crazy accessories, which would often be really different from an official controller or accessory of a console or any other tech product. Mad Catz is now gone but many of us still remember its crazy accessories released throughout its 28 years in the gaming market. Here are some of the craziest accessories ever released by the company:

Mad Catz Nintendo 64 Controller

Controller Mad Catz controllers were easily recognizable as they always had a different design to the official ones that were included in consoles. The controllers would sometimes have a different shape and size. This made the controllers hard to get used to and most people would often leave the controllers for when family and friends visited them. Mad Catz released plenty of controllers throughout its 28 years in the gaming market and the Nintendo 64, which already had a unique official controller, was one of the consoles to have a crazy Mad Catz controller. The controller was actually similar to the official one but it was bigger and the middle part was longer. The N64 had one of the craziest controllers at the time but Mad Catz added on to that craziness by releasing an even bigger controller.

Mad Catz LYNX 9

The Mad Catz LYNX 9 mobile controller is maybe the craziest controller released by the company. Released in 2015, the controller really stands out because it looks like something out of a movie. The controller works for phones and tablets and looks even crazier when it has the keyboard added on to it. The price of this controller was $299, which is a lot more than most controllers out there, but this release was one of the most talked about in its last two years.

Mad Catz STRIKE 7 Keyboard

Keyboard Gaming keyboards are nothing new but Mad Catz really caught the attention of everyone when it announced the STRIKE 7 keyboard in 2012. The keyboard’s biggest feature was the touchscreen at the top. The product was also cool because it was pretty much a modular keyboard. But all of the cool features meant a price tag of $300. That’s a lot of money for a keyboard but the STRIKE 7 is probably one of the coolest releases of the company in 2012.

Mad Catz PS1 Controller

Mad Catz had a few controllers for the PS1 but one really stands out for its shape. This PS1 controller looked like a boomerang and was bigger than the official controller that came with the console or was sold by Sony. The controller has the popular PlayStation buttons on the right and a circular D-pad on the left. The controller actually looks like one of the boomerang shaped controllers that were rumored for the PS3. The boomerang controller was not part of the PS3 but it appears that Mad Catz was trying to do something similar when it released a boomerang shaped controller during the PS1 days.

Mad Catz Game Boy Travel Pack

The Game Boy travel packs brought some of the craziest accessories for the handheld game consoles. The travel packs included some of the most popular Game Boy accessories at the time, including a light and even a controller shaped accessory that made your handheld game console feel as if you were holding a controller. These travel packs/gift packs would also bring a travel bag, joysticks and even a car adapter. Adding all of these accessories to your Game Boy at once made the handheld game console look huge. A user on reddit recently posted his Game Boy with all of the accessories and it quickly became a meme.

Mad Catz is now gone after being part of the gaming peripheral market for nearly 30 years but some of their products are still remembered today. Game Boy lights, PS1 boomerang controllers and keyboards with touchscreens were just some of the products they released throughout their 28 years. Which Mad Catz products do you remember? Let us know in the comments.




Sean Farlow
Sean Farlow
University graduate with a bachelor's degree in business administration. Big fan of sports teams from South FL.


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