Monday, September 9, 2024

Tep Wireless Coupon and Referral Code – 2020 Discount Promo

Travel can be fantastic. Discovering new locations, immersing yourself in culture, or even just showing up to help out with an international group can be extremely rewarding. However, what isn’t rewarding is the sometimes accompanying roaming fees for cell service or the extremely high wifi costs that can occur if you need to use the web while not at home. The folks at Tep Wireless have a potential solution for you: The Teppie, a pocket Wi-Fi device that can be rented for a mere fraction of the cost of roaming. Here, we have a deal that can make that fraction of cost even smaller with a neat promo code coupon.


Tep Wireless Promo & Coupon Codes 2018

Best Promo Code or Coupon for Tep Wireless

Use this link for 10% off:


Currently, the best coupon code for Tep Wireless has a 10% off value. Enter the code flash sale when prompted to save some extra money and surf the web for even less, no matter where on the planet you are.

About Tep Wireless

Founded by a team of travelers, Tep Wireless was created in 2011 as a way to get out from under the immense weight of cellular roaming costs. While primarily founded as a wifi and cellular service company, there are plenty of other products that Tep Wireless offers. Among the most interesting is Kitestring. Kitestring is a service for travelers that ensures that your emergency contacts can be aware of what’s going on, whether you’ve checked in to a destination, or if you may need some help. By messaging Kitestring, you can tell it to check in on you within a certain range of time, and if you don’t reply in time, a message pops up to all of your emergency contacts with a message that can be crafted to be useful to them and ensure you can travel without fear. In a similar vein, Tep Guru is a service where you can receive local guide’s advice regarding where you should go if you want to see the best of a location. Lastly, Prime Wifi Access and Inflight Wifi are coming down the pipeline and look promising for those who want to get away, while still being able to talk without spending a fortune. All in all, Tep Wireless is something you should look into if you’re looking to get out.

Cody Carmichael
Cody Carmichael
University graduate in Psychology, and health worker. On my off time I'm usually tinkering with tech or traveling to the ends of the globe.


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