Monday, September 16, 2024

The Most Hated Countries in the Entire World – 2024 List

Our 21st-century Earth is a large and vast expanse of land dotted by countries and cities. Although each of these countries have their own form of culture, religion, politics, etc… many share similar characteristics and viewpoints on key issues. While a country can do all it can to attempt to garner its people’s love and support or rule how they feel they need to rule, a country can garner not only their people’s hate but also the hate of other countries.

No matter the technology and good a country can provide and do, the past still reflects a country’s character and for many, the past is why they harbor some level of hatred or animosity for said country. Maybe it’s because X country was allied with X country in World War I or some other war, whereas it could be just general disinterest and hate for their way of life. 

Top 10 Most Hated Countries In The World In 2024

Without further ado, here are the top ten most hated countries in the world.

The following is a list of 10 countries that are in no particular order. Being number 1 doesn’t necessarily mean that the country listed is the most hated country in the world. In addition, the following countries are the results of various surveys online done by real people while also looking at the history of each country. But without further adieu, here are the top 10 most hated countries in the world.

1. Russia

For many people, Russia has become one of the most hated countries in the world. The current president Vladimir Putin, however, doesn’t seem to mind the reputation. If anything, his eyes are set on reuniting the former Soviet republics as a single nation.

Given that, it’s not s surprising that they’re quick to engage in conflict with other countries, especially those that share a border with the nation. Their 2022 Invasion of Ukraine is a prime example. Not only has it resulted in tens of thousands of deaths, but it has also battered the Ukrainian economy.

What’s worse, is that Russia is known for working with other disliked dictators and nations, such as North Korea’s Kim Jong-un and Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. Just recently, they purchased millions of dollars worth of weapons and ammo from the former for use on the battlefield in Ukraine.

That’s not all, their involvement in the Cold War has also made them particularly disliked in the United States. Not to mention their interference during the 2016 presidential election via social media campaigns and hacking.

2. China

China is similar to Russia in that they’re ruled by an authoritative regime. If anything, they’re even more controlling and oppressive. For starters, the government controls a number of businesses, which leads to corruption. Not only that but forced labor is also a huge issue.

On top of that, they’re the largest polluter in the world. In 2021 alone, they released more than 10,000 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.They’ve also refused to grant independence to Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau, despite numerous protests. In fact, human rights are routinely suppressed in the country to the point where individuals can be put into prison for shouting protest slogans.

The government has also committed genocide against the Uyghur in Xinjiang, which resulted in millions being detained. They’re also the home of the annual Dog Meat Festival, which many animal lovers, especially those in the western hemisphere, find barbaric.

They’re also known for their internet censorship system aka  “the Great Firewall”, which is more sophisticated and comprehensive than any other nation in the world. Not only does the government block certain websites, but they also monitor internet access on a regular basis. Major internet platforms also have their own self-censorship systems.

3. United States

The fact that this country is included in the list might surprise many Americans, but there are several reasons for it. For one thing, the U.S. has a tendency of overstepping when it comes to international events, usually in a way that benefits the country.

Not only that but the government also frequently sends troops into other nations such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and Panama for reasons that are often criticized by those outside the U.S. To make matters worse, the country is also known for throwing its weight around politically; this can often resemble bullying or oppression to those in other countries.

The increasingly hostile political division between conservatives and liberals has also been ridiculed, as has American’s willingness to trust politicians and media sources.  There’s also a perceived sense of entitlement among Americans, where they assume the U.S. is the world leader.

In recent years, the country has also been criticized for its fumbled response to the Covid-19 pandemic, which has resulted in more than a million deaths nationwide. There’s also a lack of progress in many areas such as gun regulation, gender inequality, health care, and race issues, which has led to numerous problems.

4. Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is ruled by an authoritarian government known for their strict, misogynistic, and violent policies. Human rights, especially women’s rights, are notably repressed in the country. In fact, legally, they’re treated very similarly to minors. For one thing, they’re almost always controlled by their husbands. However, this isn’t too surprising seeing as how the country had refused to sign the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Police corruption is also rampant, with many relying on abuse and torture to extract confessions from suspects. LGBTQ+ rights are also among the worst in the world as homosexuality is punishable by death. There are also no laws against statutory or spousal rape. Rather, rape victims are often put in prison for offenses that include dressing too provocatively or being in the presence of an unrelated man. It’s also not uncommon for them to be stoned to death for bringing shame upon their families.

On top of all that, Saudi Arabia is also the birthplace of many terrorist groups including the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and ISIL. They’re also highly militarized, which has led them to regularly conduct many war crimes against other countries such as Yemen.

5. North Korea

North Korea is known for its authoritative government, which regularly oppresses its own citizens. The country is also ruled by Kim Jong-un, a third-generation dictator who has an extreme lack of empathy and regularly displays exploitative behavior toward others.

If anything, their citizens may have the worse human rights in the world. However, it’s hard to know for sure as the country is super secretive in all aspects. In 2016, American college student Otto Warmbier was imprisoned after trying to steal a propaganda poster from a hotel. He was ultimately released in a vegetative state after suffering a severe neurological injury.

All media is also heavily controlled from radios to TVs; only government-approved content may be broadcasted. The world wide web is also restricted in that regular devices cannot access the internet. Phones cannot call internationally as well as international communications are blocked.

That’s not all, those who live in North Korea also have no say in their position or profession; they’re simply assigned to them by the government. The distribution of food is also strictly regulated and no one is allowed to leave the country without government permission, which is rarely granted. Citizens can also be arrested or detained for arbitrary reasons.

6. Pakistan

Pakistan is one of only a few countries in the Middle East to have nuclear weapons. For this reason, the country has become a haven for terrorists with many groups such as Al-Qaeda and the Taliban participating in bombings that kill thousands of civilians every year. Given that, it’s not surprising to know that many Pakistanis live in fear of terrorist activity.

Not only that but they’re also one of the most patriarchal countries in the world with many women and girls being the victims of rape, domestic violence, forced marriage, and even murder. What’s worse, is that those responsible are rarely held accountable by law enforcement. There’s also the oppression of minority groups such as the transgender and other members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Like many of the other countries on this list, they also oppose free speech. In fact, those who try to speak out against it are often arrested and thrown in prison. Just earlier this year, the country’s federal cabinet approved a five-year sentence for those criticizing state institutions (e.g. army) on electronic media.

7. Israel

Israel is a country with a Jewish-speaking majority. For many years, however, they’ve been stuck in a territorial dispute with the Muslim-majority country Palestine over territory that’s significant to both country’s religions. Because of this, it’s become the target of hatred by many Muslims in the world.

Not only that but the country is also often accused of using the United States, their biggest supporter, as an enabler for unsavory conduct. For instance, many have criticized Israel for how it handled settlements in Palestine, and for its treatment of refugees. The government also has a tendency of eliminating Palestinians with “targeted killings.” The fact that they seem to be stockpiling nuclear weapons definitely doesn’t help either.

Other issues that are often criticized include the prolonged occupation of war-gained territories and the government’s refusal to allow Palestinian war refugees to return home.

According to one survey, over half of Israeli citizens believe that “the“entire world is against them” and three-quarters believe that “the world will continue to criticize Israel” no matter what the country does regarding the Palestinians.

8. Iraq

Iraq is often associated with ISIS/ISL, a militant Islamist group that has pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda, a global terror network founded by Osama bin Laden that was responsible for 9/11. While the country itself has an authoritarian dictatorship, it’s ISIS that commits the majority of offenders, from car-bomb attacks to the mass executive of civilians.

Not only that but the country was also previously ruled by Saddam Hussein, a politician who has conducted a number of violations including ethnic cleansing, state terrorism, assassinations, genocide, lawless torture and imprisonment, lawless secret police, and more.

They also have a reputation for being one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Recently, President Barham Salih revealed that the country has lost more than $150 billion in oil money, which was stolen and smuggled overseas through lucrative deals. Corruption in the country has also increased unemployment and poverty while siphoning billions of dollars into the pockets of government officials.

While the government has formed a committee to investigate these major cases of corruption, little progress has been made so far. If anything, it remains rampant in the country.

9. Iran

Iran is similar to Israel and Pakistan in that those who hate the country cite its tendency to clash with other countries with opposing religions as a major factor. Not only that but they also have a huge list of human rights violations. For one thing, the government often takes “extrajudicial actions” such as the rape, torture, and killing, of political prisoners. It’s also not uncommon for there to be beatings and killings of civilians.

Many have also accused Iran of supporting terrorism. In fact, the United States has designated the government of Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism since 1984. And as it turns out, it isn’t that far from the truth as the country has provided military and political support to many militant movements such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad and has directly conducted various terrorist acts.

There are also concerns about the Irani government diverting funds from its nuclear energy program into developing nuclear weapons.

10. Germany

It’s no secret that Germany was the instigator for both World War I and World War II. Their activities in the latter was particularly brutal as they employed concentration camps to exterminate more than 2.7 million people, mostly Jews. The victims were primarily killed by gassing in chambers that were constructed for this specific purpose. In total there were six of ‘extermination camps’—Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Majdanek, Belzec, Sobibor, and Chelmno.

Fortunately, modern Germany is nothing like its harrowing past. In fact, few people would find negative things to say about the country. Still, its history lingers in the minds of many, especially those with loved ones that were involved in the two world wars.

Bridget Rogers
Bridget Rogers
Bridget Rogers is an independent freelance writer based out of Madison, Wisconsin. Bridget's work can be found on a variety of sources in both online and print media.


    • I could tell the article would be mediocre just looking at the title. “The Most Hated Countries in the Entire World” and then “Germany speaks for itself…One Word: Hitler” To call this person a writer is an insult to writers who know how to put forth actual content.

      • Guess your writers manual doesnt have the word entertainment in it!
        (Instead having the word drama queen in its place)

        (You’re a self inflated facebook poster, “lol”)

  1. Belgium hasn’t committed atrocities? Bridget Bridget, Oh dear! You are beyond help. Good lord, who raises these people nowadays?

  2. “The country of India has a superiority complex in which they think they are better then all of their neighboring countries as they look to pick fights left and right” … so much hatred, well “Bridget Rogers” you’re one of them.

    • so it worked. as it challenged those deep beliefs you were indoctrinated with as a child. i’ve seen tens of suchs lists and US typically ranks among top 3. and israel is high on the top as well.

    • that’s why you whites came to rob it and steal our achievements for education ,language,and religion right? none of you would have had that hadn’t it been for our people keep showing your jealous dk rage wont do you any good.

  3. The comments on Israel tell us everything we need to know about this author’s understanding of the world…or anything of substance, for that matter. Please stick to covering irrelevant and inconsequential topics that don’t run the risk of ever landing one of your “columns” in anyone’s google search results– your forte. Thanks.


      • Well Kashmiri deserved what they got… After killing so many Kashmiri pandits and kicking out from their own home…What you expect.. it’s karma..
        You double face piece of something.. mother ****.. what Israel did to Palestine, same thing was done by Kashmiri muslims to pandits…But you can support Palestine because they’re muslims but will not support pandits because they’re Hindu….

  5. I submitted request to google to remove this page. After two months its still here.
    This is how wrong public opinion is created and is clearly not good for the health of the world.

  6. What a bogus listing!!I am sure it’s written by some Muslims…Btw about rape cases if you compare rape stat in according to population ratio, USA is the worst of all & then Sweden comes. Illiterate writer…

  7. “Most hated countries in the world “?
    More like the writer’s opinion which isn’t backed up by any factual evidence.
    Well here’s my opinion: Bridget Rogers is a jackass

  8. the most hated states:

    north korea
    pretty much every country south of the atlas that isn’t Nigera or SA.

    the most beloved states



  9. Obviously written by an American, every other “Most hated nation” list I have read today puts the USA at numero uno, not tenth. Most countries besides the USA don’t care about Mexico, seems to be just Americans that hate Mexico, (hardly constitutes putting mexico on a top ten in the world, doesn’t it?).

  10. USA causes most war and suffering in the world, but still many people want to live in it. I suppose it is like in a traffic without any rules you would hope that you are driving a tank though everyone would fear/ hate the tank driver.

  11. this is the most misleading article of all the time.The most hated,country on the planet is USA and ,Uk,This article is made by some n0nsense clown who hates other nations for no reason

  12. why is israel not in the list of 10, but is a bonus? is that perhaos fear not to display it as #1 and US as #2 as most such lists? oh and people hate belgium because brussels is the head of the crooked snake called European Union!

  13. Germany is the most hated country in the world, because of WW1 + WW2 and also because they are cold and have no feelings which leaves other people nothing left but to hate them.

    • That’s why now French see themselves as a single country with Germany and tell about FrancoGermania? You should learn to know them. They’re in the middle between the French and the Russian. Well, we definitively have to learn them how to really cook and do cheeses, thus they do great sausages. No feelings? Richard Strauss, Haendel, Bach have no feelings? And more recently, Uli Roth has as much feeling as Jimi Hendrix and plays Vivaldi as good as Ann Akiko Meyers! Go to the Oktoberfest, you’ll see if they’re cold!

      Hitler WASN’T GERMAN and went to absolute power by a self coup, like Erdogan!. WW1 wasn’t launched by Germany, it was a domino effect. Actualy, we should have let Germany win WW1! The Kaiser had a much better European project that we were able to launch under US occupation even if DeGaulle was a visionary who saw them coming from afar! Anyway, who fuelled hatred all around Europe in a divide’n’conquer pattern? The Perfidious Albion! Don’t look further!

  14. If you are a women you are a pansy, if you are heavy, you are a fat pig, if you are not pretty, you are disgusting looking, if you are handicapped, you are called dumb, if you are skin is not white, you will be lynch or endanger of mob rule. And if you are not a bible banger, start praying.

  15. Belgium hated? Is this a joke? I have never seen anyone say that they hate Belgium or the Belgian people.

    Japan hated? Lol, maybe by a minority in South Korea and China, but in the rest of the world no one hates Japanese people, quite the opposite.

    India? I do not see much hate about this country, only a group of people concentrated in Australia, Great Britain and Pakistan hate India and the people of India, in the rest of the world people like Indians.

    Mexico ? Lol, are you American? Only a few people in the USA hate Mexico or Mexican people, everywhere in the world people like Mexican people and Mexico.


        • Ok what’s a better country? What country has the strongest economy, military, GDP per capita, most freedom and human rights, plenty of things to do, and a strong sense of patriotism

          • Here’s a hint: the one that everyone hates and is envious of because of its accomplishments…it’s America! I love the US ?

          • America is jealous of the east or else they wouldn’t be stealing all of IndiAs achievements starting with the invention of language then education then religion these were all invented in IndiA not America and whites don’t even belong in America period that is native indigenous Indians lands. whites should all be kicked out and deported back to their planet pluto!

          • everything in America with illegal white trash in it is a import from some other country whether that be Christianity or anything else.whites in that stolen land have a synthetic heritage and are envious of other races. whites also told not to market off IndiAs yoga so whites should FK off!

      • those are crooks not the best countries.they are the dumbest countries of people that’s why the whites in those countries were never self sufficient

  16. I’m sure that great britain (or Anglo people in general) are at least among the top 5 most hated in the world.

      • That’s not racist, that’s true the great britain have brought misery
        anywhere they went, without mentionning the people of this country
        are pretty much racists against any other countries, no wonder they are hated.

      • you are a idioT’ racism,fascism,colonialism,.jimcrows law, segregation apartheid,concentration camps,imperialism,sexism,feminism,color bars in Britain was invented by white xenophobic bigots and that’s a fact not to forget kkk, ira go check your history douche bag! oh and it is you whites who truly lost as IndiA is doing fine. you whites are going ExtincT’ your population is becoming a stunt.

  17. Since when does Israel run around yelling God is Great and blowing themselves up in large crowds like Muslims do? Israel literally only defends itself and isn’t the one who starts the wars and conflicts that it gets in to. It’s the only good country in the Middle East because the rest of the Middle East is bent on trying to kill Israel because of the Muslims stupid religious beliefs rather than help out their own country. The Israeli military literally tells the Palestinians where they are going to launch missiles when they do attack them so that they don’t kill civilians but the Palestinians purposefully ignore them to make Israel look bad. How about you look thing up instead of dissing a country off of a bias that the media and the Middle East like to put out. In fact how about you go to Israel and talk to the people and the soldiers who are Israeli citizen fighters what they think about the war? You’re ignorant and have no right to say things like that about a nation you know nothing about other than false claims by the media. How about we put you in the middle of a bunch of people who want to kill you and if you fight back then we will call you a hater and an instigator of violence instead of helping you?

  18. As one lived in Israel for 28 years, served 3 years in the army and 20 years in army reserves, I can admit that in Israel living most cold-blooded psychopaths.

    It’s real nightmare to live in this place, authorities and police are disgusting, banks and debt system crushing people, most disgusting lawyers and judging system which tends to real mafia.

    Racism is not just toward arabs but also toward different Jewish tribal immigrants. Altogether a lot of hatred in this country, not fun at all living there.

    • So why having stood here for 28 years? If I thought this about the country I’m living in, I’d move directly and surely not serve in the army, even less reserve. Or are YOU the psychopath?

      • Allan is a d***. I’m also Israeli, Abe is on point. its not always so easy to leave. its much easier judging a situation without knowing what’s it is about

  19. Who is the idiot behind this lies about Israel? If you look closely, Israel have NEVER attacked ANYONE of their neighbors, that goes for the “so-called” palestinians too, hamas and their terrorleader Abbas is the aggressors, NOT Israel! Israel is the ONLY country on this planet who have been banned from even defending themselves against their aggressors! There are thousands of “palestinians” that work inside Israel, side by side with Jews and other faiths, can you find that in Gaza or the Westbank? NO, NOT ONE SINGLE JEW OR ANY OTHER FAITH ARE ALLOWED BY THE hamas TO EVEN ENTER palestine! The Jews are hated because they are loved by God and are under His protection! Have Israel kept any of the land they have taken when their neighbors have attacked them? No, they have given every inch back to the aggressors! Sinai, Eastern Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, all have been given back! Have any of the muslim nations given back their conquered land? Never!
    If God were against the Jews, they would have been wiped out long time ago! But God have promised them More land than they have today, they will be given back what is their rightful property in the middle east, and it will blossom with milk and honey!

    Quote: “Israel. Constantly in war with Palestine, Israel exhibits an attitude of don’t mess with us or we will take you on. Seemingly unrelenting, many people have expressed some form of disdain towards Israel as the country kills thousands in the name of Judaism as they treat other countries as second class humans unworthy of Israel’s time.”

    This is written by an antisimite that twist the truth to provoke more conflict in the region. “kills thousands…..” OPEN YOUR CLOSED EYES YOUR FOOL! IT IS HAMAS THAT KILLS THEIR OWN PEOPLE, NOT THE JEWS!!! GET YOUR LYING butt INTO GAZA AND SEE FOR YOURSELF WHO AND HOW THE PALESTINIANS ARE KILLED!!! You should strike the remark on Israel and put in “HAMAS” instead, that will be the truth!

    I will rewrite your foolish “fake news” way of writing to the way it should be:
    Hamas. Constantly in war with the Jews, Abbas exhibits an attitude of “if you don’t mess with us, will take you on anyway. Seemingly unrelenting, many people have expressed some sort of patriotism towards the Palestinian leader Abbas, as the terrorist leader have killed thousands of innocent muslims in the name of allah as they treat other countries as idiots unworthy of their time.

  20. India had terrible unhygenic living, BEFORE overpopulation!

    Nothing will change that.

    I’m actually becoming a microbiologist BECAUSE of India!

    The “enough people in China to put Japan on list” made me smile/laugh, so thank you for the chuckle! (I love both those countries, China a little less as its clear the meaning of respect there is at an all time low)

    • India has 30 states each having different policies as well as socio-cultural structure. Can’t blame whole of India by traveling a few of em.

  21. Israel should’ve been number 11 instead of a bonus… there’s SO MUCH more to hate Israel for than just the conflict with Palestine, like how the Israeli government manipulate the media and newspapers to put Israel as a bonus instead of being on the top 10 most despised countries on earth.

  22. India suffering superiority complex are you serious? IndiA is superior and the very reason why education,language,and religion was even invented sounds like some white dummy is jealous and very envious of Indians that’s why they try their very hardest to destroy indian culture and claim it for themselves such as Aryan and swastika perfect examples of what doesn’t belong to whites period.RussiA are also smart .

    • The author is Indian pretending to be white “Bridget rogers”. This article used to have her pic a while ago when it was published.

      • Ray charles how in the heck would you know for sure about that? that’s right leave blind ass-umptions. I doubt any indian would put his own country down by making a fabricated garbage article stating his own country has a superiority complex im pretty sure a real indian would never leave his country into self degradation to be quite honest….

  23. want to know the truth of the most hated countries? that would be America. uk,australia,new Zealand,china,pakistan,saudi Arabia,turkey.

  24. XgaboonX 00 is a coward he blocked me after leaving a comment I was going to tell this piece of crap off he is too afraid of what points were going to be made that fools a true mark of a coward HAHAHAHAAHAAAAAAA”

  25. …”in the United States as it is the only country that borders Mexico aside from the small chain of islands to the south of Mexico”

    What? Small chain of islands? do you have any maps there so you can check the article?

    This is VERY embarrasing

  26. I like the part where they say America is “helping” other countries. They send democratic love bombs to those that don;’t hand over their resources. Ya they are helping

  27. Bet the writer is a Jew 🙄
    where was Israel on this list and the fact they labeled disease in quotations describing communism tells me enough
    I can never get the 3+- minutes of my life I spent reading this back
    Go suck start a shotgun

  28. The worst are USA, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia and North korea. Americans are the biggest treath for world, the biggest hypocrites – they scream about human rights, democracy etc, but they very hard discrimanted: blacks people, catholics, homosexuals and a lot of other groups. This country had got only 1 catholic president (catholics make up even 24% of us society). Only white full able, men straight protestant have got privileges. You maybe even don’t now but america was the most bloodthirsty country. They killed millions of Native Americans, they enslaved blacks people. I hate Amercia because this country have got large percentage of drug users, they consumed a lot of world resources and they were the worst human rights violators and have got a lot of protestant fundamantalists. Russia has got very evil society – homophobic drug addicters, drunkers, smokers and abortion. India is backward country because large number of women rape, hard discrimination against women, christians lgbt people and ethnic minorities. Saudi Arabia is very backward human rights violator and South Korea these same. I’m Polish person and I am sad that my nationality made this country (United States). Kościuszkod and Puławski were very brave and good men, but they didn’t know that country which they made in the future will be the worst human violate

  29. “Belgium hasn’t committed any extreme acts of mass murder during war, hasn’t slaughtered thousands of people, etc… ” – Belgian here, i lolled

  30. promote america up in the order and demote china. i loved the bonus!!! otherwise
    your list is almost awsome.

  31. England then USA then Israel if we take Israel as a country its actually its just a military base at the middle east and Africa for USA

  32. so long ago my parents made their honey moon at Belgium and they was so happy that they went to Belgium again after they give birth to my sister by 4 years they would not go there if they didnt like it the 1st time

  33. This is a terribly biased and horrible article. What about Pakistan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia? These nations support terrorism and Wahhabi ideology. Turkey is a modern country but religious extremism exists there as it is the ally of Pakistan. In reality their societies are corrupt and backward in religious terms. All these 3 countries support terrorism hatred and violence and discrimination in the name of religion caste race and ethnicity.

    Ok India is hated because of over population, caste problems, rising rape and Hindu fringe groups that praise Hitler. Rest the country is trying its best to develop its infrastructure, employment opportunities, poverty alleviation and also trying to close gaps between the rich and
    the poor. So this is a wrong survey against India.

  34. This comment is coming from a white American who doesn’t understand the first thing about the type of suffering much of the world’s population has endured at the hands of brutal, greedy, misogynstic, homophobic, xenophobic, and (above all) religious extremists. So please, take my words with a grain of salt, and certainly don’t take my viewpoints as an indictment of my entire country.

    That said, this author, in my opinion, is clearly coming from a narrow point of view, not just in terms of geopolitics, but also in terms of basic grammar and education.

    Let me be clear–I would put the US at #1 on this list, and that is coming from a born and bred US citizen.

    Do we have the worst quality of life here? Not even close. Do we have more personal freedoms than most countries? Without a doubt.

    Most citizens of this country have friends and family of different ethnicities, sexual orientations, religious beliefs, etc., and that is more than what citizens of most countries can claim. This is not to flaunt my freedoms in the face of so many others who do not enjoy those same freedoms–this is a simple fact.

    I could go on an on, but the fact is that most Americans take for granted the basic freedoms that we enjoy because we live in a country in which those basic freedoms are ensured by our government. We don’t need to think twice about them, they are simply part of our lives.

    The U.S. has a long, dark track record of racial/gender inequality that spans the entire history of our country’s formation. The prosperity of our country was rooted in the enslavement of one race of people and the genocide of another. Not to mention our aspirations of being a global empire (hence, my #1 ranking stated earlier). So I am by no means defending my country’s ethics, as we are essentially an extension of the brutal British empire that ruled the world by the barrel of a gun for over 400 years.

    My point is this–most of the world hates the U.S. because of the actions of our government (most notably, involving us in international conflicts that have nothing to do with our national interests except economic benefit). This has placed the U.S. at the center stage of most of the major geopolitical conflicts around the world.

    I’m rambling at this point, and for that, I apologize. But just know that the majority of the citizens in the U.S. hate our government just as much as most people around the globe. I’m just thankful I live in a place where I can express those feelings without fear of being killed or imprisoned.

    Final thought–countries and their borders are a reflection of an archaic way of thinking that (hopefully) will be a thing of the past in our lifetimes. There are 7 billion people on this planet–99% of whom are just trying to survive and live their lives in peace. Until we realize that, the true conflict should not be amongst neighbors, but a revolution against human greed and the dominant few. Unfortunately, we’ll most likely repeat the same cycle of petty indifference of hating our brothers and sisters (which, by the way, has long existed before the creation of the US).

    Peace and love to my brothers and sisters around the world.


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