Thursday, February 13, 2025

What Happened to Derek Hough? Find Out What He’s Up To Now

Derek Hough, a famous professional dancer (who specialized in ballroom and Latin dancing), actor, and vocal artist, has not been heard of recently. After some very successful times in his career, including a 2013 Emmy award for Outstanding Choreography from the popular television sensation, Dancing with the Stars, he has been relatively quiet in the celebrity scene. Many thought his best days were ahead of him; many are wondering, what in the world happened to Derek Hough? The question won’t be easy to answer.

derek-hough-young He has been on Dancing with the Stars since 2009, and that is what he is most well known for. He won the show five times, which is a record for the televised dancing show. Along with his Emmy award, it seemed like he had the brightest future of all the other dancers and was on pace to being one of the greatest of his era. He has also been in theatre, acting in the stage musical Footloose: The Musical as well as Make Your Move, an indie film from 2013 based on the Shakespeare story of Romeo and Juliet. His last major sighting was in 2014, when he guest starred in the popular television drama Nashville from ABC.

As a kid, Derek Hough was one of five children. He and his family lived in Sandy, Utah, which was a suburban Salt Lake City. He was born to be a dancer, as it was in his genes. His grandparents were all famous dancers in their day. At the young age of twelve, when he was not even a teenager yet, he was sent away to London by his parent’s choice, and he continued to live there for ten more years, when he was only supposed to go for one. He went to study the art of dancing with some highly esteemed dance coaches, Corky and Shirley Ballas. He learned song, gymnastics, and all kinds of dance. He even learned ballet. At that time he first discovered his vocal talent, and started a group with two other kids his age called 2B1G, and they went to many dance and singing competitions in the United Kingdom and the United States to perform their pop music and dancing routines. At the Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts, Derek taught dance classes as he got older. His career would soon take a huge jump, however.

In 2002, Derek was the IDSF World Youth Latin Champion and the following year he won the Blackpool U-21 Latin title for the country Poland. He also won the Los Angeles award for the most outstanding dancer of the year, and he won the same award from the New York Dance Alliance as well. Derek Hough was really bringing in the accolades.

He then started to work with famous ice dancer who had won many awards, including Meryl Davis and derek-hough-prime Charlie White. He worked with them for a small dance program they had created that contained two types of rhythms: foxtrot and quickstep rhythms. They ended up winning the gold medal at the Sochi Olympics with the routine.

Hough then went on to perform on Dancing with the Stars. He dominated, setting multiple records for the show by winning it all five times, and was close many other times. He became a legend for the show. The question now, however, is what in the world happened to him? Where is Derek Hough now, and what is he up to?

It turns out he is still on Dancing with the Stars, preparing for the next season. However, he won’t be performing; instead he will be running the show. Many have forgotten or not heard about him in a while, but that is only because the season is over and that he is no longer a contestant. He was so good at what he did that he eventually stopped being talked about as much because it was a fact that he was going to be great, year in and year out. Hough was even being nominated for another derek-hough-now Emmy award for his 2013-2014 Dancing with the Stars performance. He was last in the news when Pippa Middleton, Princess Kate’s (the future Queen of England) sister, contacted him asking to be on the show. Hough was on board with the idea, however Queen Elizabeth got involved and apparently doesn’t want Pippa to be in the show.

Derek Hough is a fantastic dancer, however his name has been talked about less and many people are wondering, what in the world happened to Derek Hough? It turns out he is no longer a contestant in the show, Dancing with the Stars, but he is still part of the show and he is also considered the best to ever perform on it. Who knows, maybe soon we will all see Derek Hough perform again. In the meantime, he will continue his current work and also do some more acting at local theatres.


Bridget Rogers
Bridget Rogers
Bridget Rogers is an independent freelance writer based out of Madison, Wisconsin. Bridget's work can be found on a variety of sources in both online and print media.


  1. Are you serious? If you checked Twitter you’d see that he’s touring with his sister around the country to SOLD out shows in their Move Live On Tour. Unless this is a joke, please do your research -lol

    • Agreed. This is rubbish! Not only is currently on a 42 city tour featuring him , Julluanne and 10 top knotch dancers. Their 2 month Vegas quality show cyrrently in-process with outrageous affects, lighting, costumes has sold out in almost every city, Chicago, New York Radio City Music Hall, Nashville’s Grand Old Opry and so many more amazing venues. His tour last summer in North America was such a big hit it is bigger that ever. He sings, dances every style dance, does comedy bits and motivational speaking. He is absolutely at the top of his game.

      He headlined and sold out many show for New York Spring Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall with Rockettes and Tony Winning actress/singer Laura Benatti, produced by Harvey Wrinstein’s team.

      He was featured Twice on Lip Synch a new show and won.

      He is s New York Times Best Selling Author with the paperback version of his hard back book just out this past week.

      Nominated for 2014 Choreo Emmy a month ago. Is currently up for 2-3 industry awards right now.

      His career cannot be more visible, more successful or be in more demand. All of this within the last 6-9 months.

      Have you literally been living under a rock? You owe Derek a retraction. This article is so slanderous, untrue that you make a mockery of responsible journalism. Please check your facts and print a retraction!!

  2. You must be kidding. He is finishing up a huge tour of the U.S. and Canada, is more gorgeous than ever. Just saw his show with Julianne and troupe. It’s outstanding!

    • Ranting about yourself, again….??? Where are the specifics for your, unlearned, judgement , calls…??? …Edgrrr…

  3. As I read, I kept thinking ‘maybe there’s something new in the next ‘graph.’ Nope. No meat OR potatoes here. His image sure occupies a lot of space in the checkout line for someone who’s disappeared and fell off this writer’s rather limited radar.

  4. ARE u stinking serious ? Where is Derek Hough now ? for your information he is on cross country tour (US and Canda) of his own production “Moveliveontour “which is a sellout 95% of the venues. Also who got again nominated for Emmy’s 2015. Who was the lead man in New york spring spectacular show in Radio city music hall New york atleast try to do some research before publishing the article. Pathetic

  5. I think Ms. Rogers needs a fact-checker. Derek is very much not missing. He was an integral part of DWTS this season and he and his sister, as a previous poster mentioned, are starring in an incredible dance/song show and touring the US. I saw it last year and could not believe the energy and the talent.

  6. I am just floored that someone can have their facts so discombobulated. Derek is very much in the news…and is definitely not MIA.

  7. Get your facts straight before you print nonsense. He has been on a cross country tour that has been well known. Who is paying you guys to say such non sense about him?

  8. This article clearly shows the author’s ignorance and lack of research skills. Derek was just nominated for his 7th Emmy nomination for Outstanding Choreography for the 2015 Emmys; he was all up in the news last winter/spring when he was starring in the New York Spring Spectacular on Broadway AND partnering Nastia Liukin on DWTS at the same time; he and Julianne are currently on an extremely successful national tour for their Move Live on Tour brand. Bridget you need to rewrite your article or delete it from existence.

  9. ha ha ha What happened to Derek hough ? or did u drink too much ? Really get your facts right before you publish he is the most successful pro from DWTS who is extremely busy in his life with his tour right now and before that Broadway and is on Demand to appear on shows like Lyp synch battle twice. The man shines in everything he does could have done some fact checking. Shame u right without even checking. Write like this and You may be MIA sooooon what happened to Bridget Rogers ??

  10. Is this a joke?? Derek is very much a live and well. As others here have told this reporter he is on a soldout tour and a current Emmy nomination. Not to mention several other nominations in the entertainment industry. I hope you are held accountable for a very badly written report.

  11. Well, Bridget Rogers, as a writer you should do your research before writing such article. Oh wait maybe that’s why you’re called a “freelance” writer. It sound rather dumb when you stated Derek is doing “acting at the local theaters” when he is doing his Move Live on Tour across the US in which Florida was one of his stop. Try Google next time. Btw, do you know the Chmerkovskiy? Aren’t they going to Miami where you’re based at?

  12. What happened to Bridget Rogers, the author of this article? Has she been under a rock….in Siberia or on the moon? During the last 6 months, he has been starring in the New York Spring Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall, finished DWTS with Nastia Liukin, did his own National Move Live on Tour with Julianne where he sold out the 6000 seat Radio City venue and others in over 40 cities. Additionally, his best-selling book was released in paperback and he received another Emmy nomination for his performance with Sia. I guess he has just disappeared…..NOT!!! Shame on Ms Rogers for writing such a non-researched article.

  13. Clearly this author wrote this tongue-in-cheek, right? How about the sold out Move Live 40 city tour and the NYC Radio City show? What about the HGTV house flipping show? And Bridget, you have NO idea what his role on DWTS will be next season. You’ve based that on complete speculation and rumor. This article is a joke.

  14. I agree with all of the comments! what about the New York Spring Spectacular he headlined in on Broadway a few months ago or the Move Live on Tour show he is putting on with his sister and traveling across the country with right now? maybe putting on an amazing show like that takes more effort than you may be able to imagine, Bridget. that tour has been consuming his life for the past 2 months, so the only way he is in the spotlight right now, is for this amazing tour. you also have no idea what his plans for this season on DWTS are. as far as any of us know, he will be a contestant on the upcoming season. you have no proof to back up your theory of him no longer being on the show, unless you know him personally, which judging by your lack of mentioning his huge North American tour that’s going on right now, isn’t very likely.

  15. Glad I was not the ONLY one floored by the lack of research done by this writer. The fact that I (along with many other women & some men) totally freak out at the chance to touch his arm. To know any & everything about him. To have watched every you tube video he is in. To go to his show both years & to have shirts & play books from said shows that I guarantee are worth some money if you can ever talk a fan into giving them up. DWTS, MOVE LIVE ON TOUR, LIP SYNC BATTLE & LIP SYNC BATTLE LIVE, NY SPRING SPECTACULAR, 7 EMMY NOMINATIONS, AUTHOR…. not to mention like a previous poster had said he sure has alot of facetime in the check out isles to have “fallin off the radar” this article is the most ridiculous things I’ve ever read. And I read Perez Hilton articles.


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