Sunday, February 16, 2025

10 Perfect Gift Ideas for your Boyfriend this Christmas

The “struggle is real” when it comes to figuring out what to get your boyfriend for Christmas. If you are like the majority of the population on planet earth, than you probably are looking for something that he will both not be expecting and think is awesome; a combination that is not always easy to accomplish. However, there is no need to panic because this article is here to help! Listed below are 10 of the BEST gift ideas for your boyfriend this Christmas. This boyfriend gift list compiles a variety of gifts for people with different interests ranging in both practicality and expense. Lets begin:

1. Gift Cards 

Okay, right off the bat this sounds like a pretty boring, generic idea. People always give each other gift cards when they don’t know what to get someone and it is usually pretty anticlimactic. This idea however is to get a series of gift cards that will map out an amazing date for the two of you to enjoy together, which is a BONUS gift for you as well! Here are two examples on how to accomplish this first gift idea:

  • Let’s say your SO is a coffee conesouir, the perfect gift card idea would be to find several new coffee shops that the two of you haven’t been to and buy $10 gift cards to each place. This way you and your boo can spend some quality time together exploring the city and hopefully find some new favorite hot spots.
  • Another example would be to plan a date night using gift cards. For example, purchase a gift card to a new restaurant you both have been looking forward to try and follow-up with a gift card to the local painting class (i.e. Paint Nite, Painting with a Twist) offered in your city. For extra credit, add in a gift card at the bar where the painting class takes place in order to pay for drinks during or after the class.
2. Sporting Event

Although expensive, if your guy is a sports addict this gift will for sure give you a W. If the tickets to his favorite team are outrageous, another option is to purchase the jersey of his favorite player.

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3. BEER/BEER Cap Maps

If your boyfriend is a fan of America’s favorite beverage than this is the perfect gift for him! Compile a gift basket of a variety of craft beers, some of which are his faves and others that he will be excited to try. This can either be accomplished by purchasing a few different cases at a liqour store or through a local brewery. A great additional add on to this gift is a key chain that doubles as a bottle opener- every beer drinker should have this.

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Another great idea for the boyfriend who loves beer is one of these Beer Cap Maps, which can be purchased on Amazon by clicking here. This is a great way to collect beers from all over the country and/or your home state! Not only will you and your guy get to explore new places with new beer, but will have something to remember those great times as well.

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4. Skydiving 

This is the PERFECT idea for someone that is an adrenaline junkie, but also for someone that is right on the fence and just needs a little encouragement. Skydiving is an unforgettable experience and often becomes something people repeat after taking the initial leap. Make sure that you include a ticket for yourself as it is a lot more fun when you go with someone. Also, many companies offer a video tape of the experience, which is definitely a must- happy flying!

5. Comedy Show

Guys love a good laugh, so he will thoroughly enjoy laughing the night away with the one he loves the most. Most comedy clubs have open mic night or amateur nights when tickets are more affordable. This is a great stocking stuffer and would work great as an addition to a gift card to his favorite restaurant.

6. Massage

People in general are way too stressed out. Help your boyfriend release some of that stress by giving him an experience he won’t soon forget. Massages are a MUST for anyone that has a hectic lifestyle and are a treat for everyone else. The only problem with this gift is that after he redeems it, you can expect him to be purchasing more as its hard to stop after you find out what you are missing!

7. Zubaz 

Zubaz are an old school gift that is perfect for your boyfriend’s favorite sports team or just to lounge around the house. The pants come in all different colors and have NFL/NCCA collections. They really are the perfect gift for everyone! You can click here to check out all the different styles available at

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8. Tipsy Elves/Ugly Sweater

Tipsy Elves is a company that originally made its debut on the popular ABC show, Shark Tank. Since, they have developed multiple collections for various holidays. The most popular collections include items from Christmas and 4th of July.

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Another Ugly Sweater option includes the NFL edition, which can be purchased at Amazon. This is an awesome gift for the sports fan boyfriend who wants to take his dedication to the next level. He will be sure to love this sweater, making it the perfect Christmas gift!


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9. Kan Jam & Other Yard Games

Yard games are the perfect gift for someone who enjoys being active and hanging out at a BBQ. They also are great additions to camping trips, music festivals and graduation parties. Kan Jam is the ultimate yard game that can be purchased on Amazon here. Seriously if you’ve never played you are missing out. It is the perfect game to bring fun to a party. Other yard games include: bags, beerzbee, and botchi ball. The fun never ends with this gift!

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10. Groupon/Living Social Specials & Events

DEALS! DEALS! DEALS! Groupon and Living Social are the ideal websites when you are looking for a great bargain. They have so many different options to choose from. Choose from events, clothing, sports, restaurants, etc. You are bound to get something awesome and for the right price when you shop at either of these two places!!



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