Grill Charms Before Shark Tank
Lesley Haywood states that her product is the solution for every grillers’ problem. Lesley Haywood states that whenever she is not busy cooking, taking care of her kids and driving them around, she is very busy being the founder, CEO, marketing guru and bookkeeper for the grilling gadget empire. Lesley Haywood also states that she already joined Shark Tank once before, but right before she was going to go on stage, she got a call from her mom, on which she got to hear that her dad passed away.
It was very suddenly and unexpectedly for her, and one of the last things that her dad said to her mom, is to not call Lesley, because he didn’t want to be the reason why she missed out on the Shark Tank opportunity. Lesley Haywood states that burying her father was the most devastating experience she had to go through.
A few weeks after the burial, Lesley Haywood got a call from Shark Tank, saying that she gets a second chance to appear in front of the Sharks. Lesley Haywood states that when she goes in front of the Sharks, she knows that her dad is with her and that he will be cheering for her.
Grill Charms During Shark Tank
“Lesley Haywood walks confidently and stands in front of the Sharks”
Lesley Haywood starts her presentation by introducing herself, stating her name and tells the Sharks that she is the creator of Grill Charms. She is seeking an investment of fifty thousand dollars, in exchange for a twenty five percent stake in her company.
Lesley Haywood continues her presentation by saying that where she comes from, they grill all year around. Whenever you go to a barbeque or grill party, most of the time, you cannot tell which part of meat is which. For example, you cannot tell which steak is rare and which is medium-rare. It could also be that you receive a spicy piece of chicken, while you are not prepared for it, because you didn’t know that the chicken was spicy or not.
“Lesley Haywood shows a small charm to the Sharks”
Lesley Haywood states that she has developed little charms called Grill Charms, which will solve this problem once and for all. They are solid stainless steel charms that you put into your food, before you start grilling.
There are four different collections for different purposes. There is the steak collection, which has charms with MR for Medium Rare, MW for Medium Well, and R for Rare etc. There is also a spicy collection, which has charms with a pepper on fire, if you like your food very hot. There are two other collections for different purposes.
“Kevin O’Leary asks Lesley Haywood where she sells her Grill Charms”
Lesley Haywood answers the question by saying that she sells her Grill Charms in a hundred and three different independent retailers all over the United States of America, Canada and Sweden.
“Kevin O’Leary asks Lesley Haywood who does the selling”
Lesley Haywood answers the question by saying that she does the selling, and that she is basically a one-man operation.
“Barbara Corcoran asks Lesley Haywood if they could see the Grill Charms”
“Lesley Haywood gives some of her Grill Charms to the Sharks”
“Robert Herjavec asks Lesley Haywood what her sales are like today”
Lesley Haywood answers the question by saying that she just started her business, and that over the course of a year, she has sold sixty thousand dollars’ worth of Grill Charms.
Lesley Haywood states that she went from hosting dinner parties and introducing her Grill Charms to her friends, to having her products on store shelves, in a year and a half. She continues by saying that, in between that time, she had a little run-in with breast cancer at the age of thirty four, which slowed her up just a little bit, but even that didn’t stop her.
“Barbara Corcoran asks Lesley Haywood how much the Grill Charms sell for”
Lesley Haywood answers the question by saying that she sells a collection of six Grill Charms at a retail price of twenty dollars, which also makes it a perfect gift item. This means that the Grill Charms are in the grilling industry, the gifting industry and then there are licenses.
“Kevin Harrington states that George Foreman sold over one hundred million grills, which means that the grilling industry is absolutely enormous”
“Kevin O’Leary asks Lesley Haywood what she is going to do with the fifty thousand dollars”
Lesley Haywood answers the question by saying that she is going to use the money to really make a name for herself and Grill Charms, by attending big trade shows. She states that if you want to run with the big dogs, you have to bark, and show her presence. Either that, or she is going to direct her Grill Charms towards television.
“Lesley Haywood winks at Kevin Harrington”
Kevin O’Leary states that Lesley Haywood is the real deal, but the real challenge is that she does not really have a company yet, but it is a product that is working.
Robert Herjavec states that it is funny, because he knows a guy that is very good at products that actually sell and work.
Kevin O’Leary states that Robert Herjavec interrupted him, and that he was about to make an offer. Kevin O’Leary makes an offer of fifty thousand dollars, in exchange for fifty percent of the business or the product. He also states that he is going to put a seven percent royalty on it, which means that Kevin O’Leary will always receive seven percent of all the sales.
Kevin Harrington states that Lesley Haywood shouldn’t take Kevin O’Leary’s offer, because he can beat the offer and bring more to the table. Kevin Harrington states that Lesley Haywood needs the money, but also the expertise, which Kevin Harrington is bringing to the table. Kevin Harrington makes an offer of fifty thousand dollars, in exchange for a fifty percent stake in Grill Charms, without the royalty.
Robert Herjavec states that he wants in on that deal, and says that he is willing to invest thirty thousand dollars, while Kevin Harrington only needs to invest twenty thousand dollars. This way, Both Kevin Harrington and Robert Herjavec receive twenty five percent each.
Daymond John states that he believes that Kevin Harrington is the best person to go into business with, when it comes to selling products such as Grill Charms. Daymond John states that Robert Herjavec does not know a single thing about selling products to retailers, so he is not a good fit. Daymond John states that he would like to offer half of the fifty thousand dollars, and partner up with Kevin Harrington.
Barbara Corcoran states that she loves the idea, and that Lesley Haywood has four grown man romancing her, because her products are great and because she is so damn pretty. Barbara Corcoran states that she doesn’t want to invest, and that she is out.
Kevin Harrington states that he is able to sell Grill Charms on television, and that Daymond John can sell Grill Charms in retail stores. Kevin Harrington says that he doesn’t think a third partner would make much sense here.
Robert Herjavec states that he doesn’t like getting kicked out of this deal, and offers fifty thousand dollars for only twenty five percent of Grill Charms.
Kevin Harrington states that Lesley Haywood would get a large percentage of a small pie if she would go with Robert Herjavec, but she would get a smaller percentage of a very large pie if she goes with Kevin Harrington and Daymond John.
Kevin O’Leary states that he is discussed by Kevin Harrington’s and Daymond John’s greed, and states that he also has an offer on the table.
“Lesley Haywood states that she doesn’t like the fact that Kevin O’Leary wants royalties”
Lesley Haywood continues by stating that when she came on Shark Tank, she was hoping to get an offer from Kevin Harrington, because she thinks that he is the perfect fit for Grill Charms and that he would be able to get the most out of it.
“Lesley Haywood states that the Sharks have made her some very interesting offers and that she needs to step outside to think for a moment”
“Lesley Haywood steps outside and calls her husband, and her husband tells her to ask for forty nine percent, so she would have the controlling share in Grill Charms”
Lesley Haywood steps back in front of the Sharks and states that she really wants to work together with Kevin Harrington and Daymond John, but she has a problem with the fifty percent stake that they want in Grill Charms.
“Kevin O’Leary states that he has a weird feeling that Lesley Haywood doesn’t like him”
“Lesley Haywood states that she does like Kevin O’Leary, but she doesn’t think she could work with him”
Kevin Harrington and Daymond John both state that they are not willing lower their offer, and both want the fifty percent stake in Grill Charms.
Robert Herjavec states that his offer of fifty thousand dollars for twenty five percent in Grill Charms still stands, and that he believes that Lesley Haywood can do it. He continues by saying that Kevin Harrington will dump her like a cold potato, if her product won’t sell.
Kevin O’Leary states that he is not finished yet, and that he would be willing to offer fifty thousand dollars, in exchange for twenty percent of Grill Charms, but he would still need to receive seven percent in royalties.
Lesley Haywood states that she did not come this far to give up her baby, and for that reason, she choose to work together with Robert Herjavec, and accept his deal.
At the end interview, Lesley Haywood states that she went in front of the Sharks, hoping to get an offer from Kevin Harrington, because he is the “TV Guy”, but then Robert Herjavec made an offer as well, and she connected with him. She thinks that Robert Herjavec has her best interest at heart and is looking forward to work together with him.
Grill Charms Now in 2025 – After Shark Tank Update
All of the Sharks, except for Barbara Corcoran, were interested in Grill Charms and made an offer, but Lesley Haywood decided to go with Robert Herjavec, due to the fact that she would be able to keep the majority share in her own company. Robert Herjavec did mention that Grill Charms might be the best product ever shown on Shark Tank.
It seems like there are still four different collections of Grill Charms, which you can read more about on the website called There is the Steak Collection, Spicy Collection, Charmed Life Collection and the Pink Collection. It doesn’t seem like the website has been kept up to date, especially since it looks pretty old fashioned. The latest blog post is from 2011, which really proves that Lesley Haywood has not been working on Grill Charms anymore. You can also not purchase the Grill Charm collections from the website directly, but only from Amazon. The collections go for between $11,95 and $19,95.
I had imagined that Grill Charms would be very successful as a business, especially after Lesley Haywood partnered up with Robert Herjavec. It is still nice to see that the products are being sold on Amazon and that the reviews are very positive. People like the fact that you can now protect your children and guests who have allergies, by pinning a Grill Charm into their food before grilling. Other reviews state that they simply like the fact that they no longer have to worry about giving the wrong order to the wrong person.