Truth or Dare is classic when it comes to party games. The premise is simple: players take turns asking each other the question, “truth or dare”. If an individual chooses truth, they must answer the question asked of them truthfully. If they choose to dare, they must do whatever it is that they’re dared to do.
And the game can be as easy or as hard as you’d like, which makes it great for people of all ages, including children.
Have you played truth or dare? Looking for some similar party games? Then you’re at the right place. We’ll be sharing some fun alternatives below- keep reading to find out what they are!
Top 10 Best Games Like Truth or Dare In 2025
Without further ado, let’s take a closer look at some of these social party games.
1. Twenty Questions
Twenty Questions is great in that you can play it almost anywhere. Start by picking one person to be the “answerer”. They’ll choose an object, which they’ll keep as a secret. Everyone else will take turns asking questions. Ultimately, the goal is to find out what the object is. The only thing is that the question must be answered with a “yes” or “no” (the answerer won’t be able to elaborate further).
For example, they can ask questions like, “is it bigger than a piece of bread?” or “is it heavier than a television?”.
If the people asking questions can’t figure out what the object is in 20 questions, the answerer wins. They’ll then play the answerer again for the next round. If someone figures out what the object is before 20 questions, that person will be the winner and they’ll be the for answerer the next turn.
2. Two Truths and a Lie
Two Truths and a Lie can be played with a small group of people. The premise of the game is simple. One by one, each person will say three statements about themselves. Two of them must be true and one of the must be a lie.
The other people will then try to guess which out of the three statements is the lie.
To make it more fun, try to incorporate facts that are borderline unbelievable. For example, you can say things like “I rode on an elephant before” or “I went to school with Steve Jobs.” The more creative you are with the facts, the more fun it’ll be!
3. The Winking Assasin
Wink Murder is a party game where one player “kills” others by winking at them. Start by picking a “wink murderer”. We recommend having a moderator pick someone while every one has their eyes closed.
Once the murderer has been picked, everyone will start wandering around the room (it should be big enough so that everyone has space to sit and stand comfortably), making conversation, including the murderer. Make sure to make eye contact with each other while you’re chatting as the murderer will “kill” their victim by winking at them. They must do it secretly so that no one knows they’re doing it—besides the victim.
If you’ve been winked at, you must “die”. We recommend waiting a few seconds before doing this, otherwise, it’ll give the mystery away too quickly. For those who have died, you can observe the rest of the game from the side of the room.
The other players will then try to figure out who the murderer is. They’ll do this by saying “I accuse” followed by the name of the person they suspect of being the killer. The accused must answer them by saying “yes” or “no.”
If the accusation is wrong, the person must leave the game as a penalty. The game will then continue until the wink murderer is identified. If you guess right, you win. From there, you can start a new round.
Tip: Dying dramatically (e.g. clutching your chest before falling to the ground) will make things more entertaining.
4. Random Word Game
The Random Word Game is a great way to challenge your knowledge and vocabulary. While you can play it anywhere, it’s best if everyone can sit in a circle. That way, it’ll be easier to know whose turn it is.
The first person will start by choosing a category. For example, they can choose “animals” or “food”. They’ll then say the first word. The second player must then come up with a word that starts with the last letter of the previously said word. It must also be in the same category.
For instance, if the first person chose food as the category and said “toast”, the second person must then come up with a food word that starts with “t”, such as “tea.” The third person must then name a food item that starts with “a”. This will continue until you can’t come up with any more words.
Another variation of the game involves naming items in a set category in alphabetical order. For example, if the category is animals and the first person says “anteater”, the second player must come up with an animal that starts with b, such as “bee.”
5. Name That Tune
Name That Tune is a great game for music lovers. First things first, you want to choose one person to be in charge of the music. The rest of the group will break up into teams of 6 (or fewer depending on the number of people).
The person who’s in charge of the music will then play a random music track for five seconds. During that period, the teams will have to work together to try and identify the song. The first team to correctly shout out the song’s title will win a point (the teams can also identify the artist for additional points).
The game will continue for several rounds and the team with the highest score will be declared the winner.
Once the round is over, the group can select a new person to be in charge of the music and start a new game.
6. Charades
For this game, you’ll need at least two teams with two players each. A person from one of the teams will then pick up a card, one with a specific object or phrase. They must then act it out without making a sound. The other player on their team will have to try and figure out what the object or phrase is.
Once they get it right, the other person will pick up a new card with a new object or phrase. The goal is for the other player to guess as many of them as possible.
Once time is up (you can specify a certain time period for each round- for example, you can make it so that each team gets one minute to act out the phrases and objects), a player from the second team will do the same thing. They’ll act out an object or phrase and their teammate must guess what it is.
The team with the most correct guesses will win the game (and bragging rights).
7. Desert Island
Desert Island is a fun game that can also be a great team-building activity. The way it works, everyone must choose and describe one thing that they would bring with them if they were to be stranded on a deserted island. Not only that but they must also explain why.
The objects don’t have to be realistic to the setting either. For example, someone can choose a dog if they’re an animal lover or a piano if they like playing music.
Once everyone in the group has chosen and talked about their object, the group will break into smaller teams. They will then decide which of the objects to combine to increase their chances of survival on the island. If you want, you can even add additional items; just make sure to use all of the ones that have already been mentioned.
8. Paranoia
Paranoia is a fun and easy question-and-answer game. The rules are simple, you just have to whisper a question to the person sitting next to you.
Start by sitting in a circle. For example, you can sit around a table or gather around in a circle. Once everyone’s in place, decide who is going first. The first player will then whisper a question to the person next to them. While the question can be about anything, we highly recommend choosing a theme for the questions as that might make things easier. The question must also start with “Who is most likely…”
The player who’s asked the question will then say who they think is the best answer to the question out loud (the player who’s answering the question and the player who asked the question cannot be the answer).
The person whose name was said can then choose to let it pass or find out what the question was. If they choose the latter, they must drink a shot (this can be replaced with another action for non-drinkers).
After they take a shot, the next player will start the next round by whispering a question to the person on their right. The game will ultimately continue until everyone has had a chance to ask a question (or until people decide to give up).
9. What Are the Odds
What Are the Odds is very similar to Truth or Dare in that you dare another person to do something potentially ridiculous. Instead of being able to choose what do to, however, the first person asks the second how likely they are to complete a dare. The second person then selects a number ranging from 2 to 100 as the limit.
Both players will then select a number within the stated range. If the first player says the same number as the second player, the latter must follow through with the dare that’s given to them. For example, if the second player replies “1 in 30”, both will have to choose a number between that range.
Once both players have a number in mind, they will look at each other in the eye and start a five-second countdown. When it reaches zero, they will both reveal their number. The person who was dared can then choose the next dare for the next player.
Ideally, everyone should have a chance to accept a dare (assuming you’re playing with more than 2 people). As the game goes on, you can gradually increase the difficulty.
Some easy dares include hugging a stranger or switching clothing with a friend. Or if you want to turn things up a notch, you can choose a harder dare such as singing a song in public or licking a chair.
10. Make Me Laugh
The premise of the game is simple; you want to make the other people laugh while maintaining a straight face. First things first, you want to divide your group into two teams. One will be “on stage” (the ones trying to make the others laugh) while the others will be on the “hot seat” (the ones trying not to laugh).
Set a timer for 2 to 3 minutes. Once it’s started, those that are “on stage” will try to make those in the “hot seat” laugh. Since snorts, giggles, smiles, and laughs can be hard to distinguish from one another, it’s best to set a rule where if you show your teeth, you’re out.
Members of the “on stage” team can work individually or together to try and make the others laugh as long as they’re not making fun of or tough the other team. If someone laughs, their team will then go on stage. If they manage to keep a straight face for the entire duration, they’ll win a point for their team.