Allie Brosh told the stories of her youth in the blog; however, as you can tell by the title of the blog, Hyperbole and a Half, she does exaggerate certain stories. The blog also goes over some of the important events in her adult life, as well as problems she comes across along the way. Some of her stories, including her critically acclaimed post on depression, start off by showing glimpses of her childhood, and use this as a base for her adult problems. Brosh has also created a web series of online videos, animated using the same intentionally crude design as her blog comics, and they have been very popular.
Allie Brosh got her inspiration for her blog from the comic series “rage comics”, which also has a purposely poorly drawn design. They are very similar in style, but the actual content is far different. However, some of Brosh’s images from her blog posts have been directly influenced from “rage comics”.
The success from her blog was phenomenal. She was able to release a book based on the blog, and it was an instant hit, selling a ton of copies. However, the blog eventually became empty, as no new posts were made. What happened to Allie Brosh? Why hasn’t she been adding content to her blog?
Brosh lived in California during her early childhood, and then at age seven, she moved to Idaho. She was a very successful track athlete, with some very impressive times. She was recruited by the University of Montana, and she eventually accepted a scholarship and went there to get her degree. After college, she and her two dogs, who have been in her web comics, moved to Oregon. She said that she moved there for the fresh air, saying that it is “quite possibly the best place on earth”. She felt that breathing the air was like “huffing joy and celebration”. Unknown to most at the time, Brosh was dealing with severe depression, and this was a move to help her get through it. Her husband, Duncan Hendrick, whom she married in 2012 after being in a relationship with him since 2005, was always trying to help her and do what was best for her mental health.
Brosh soon started up an online blog, for her to express herself and tell her story, along with some humor to
Her blog is full of creative, crude drawings, with some of them becoming popular internet memes, including her “improved medical pain chart”, and an imaginary creature named “Alot”, which is what she always pictures when people make the grammatical mistake of writing the two words “a lot” into one word. Her blog is very popular among the internet, with sites like Reddit and Digg linking to her content a lot.
She also did an AMA on Reddit, which stands for “Ask Me Anything”. Users of the website can ask her questions, and the person who created the AMA thread can respond to them. Her success even got her invited to write a humor section for the popular blog The Gloss. Her blog was also listed on PC World’s list of the “funniest sites on the web”. A book based on the blog came out on October 29th, 2013.
What’s Allie Brosch Doing Now in 2025 – Recent Updates
In 2011, Brosh revealed that she had severe depression in a blog post entitled “Adventures in Depression.” Her blog went inactive shortly afterward. In the end, it wasn’t until May 2013 that she posted again, this time with long-followup chronicling her struggle with depression. She also revealed that she had suicidal thoughts. Following the update, her site received more than 1.5 million visits a day; many visitors also left supportive comments, which surprised her.

The comics that she posted also became popular among those with depression. Those who have never experienced it also said that it made them understand the condition better. Critics and professionals including psychologists have also praised her depiction of the illness.
The success of the 2011 post also landed her a book deal. Her debut work, Hyperbole and a Half: Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened was subsequently released in the fall of 2013. Not only was it written in the same style as her blog but it also included some blog posts in addition to new stories. To promote the book, Brosh went on a six-day book tour. She also made television and radio appearances and did an “AMA” session on Reddit, where users could ask her questions.
A commercial success, the book ended up selling over 350,000 copies within a month and was on the New York Times Best Seller list for twelve weeks. It also won a Goodreads Choice Award.
While she seemed to disappear from social media afterward, she did make a few public appearances in 2014 and 2015. In 2016, she also gave a talk on the JoCo Cruise.

She also announced that she was working on a second book. However, the release date ended up being delayed a number of times, which led many fans to wonder whether or not it was canceled altogether.
Fast forward to June 2020, and the book, entitled Solutions and Other Problems, reappeared online with a new cover. It was subsequently released on September 22, 2020, and like the first book, it too became a New York Times Bestseller. It was also met with positive reviews on Amazon. In fact, it currently has a 4.8-star rating on the site out of more than 7,700 reviews.
Around that same time, she made a post on Reddit where she revealed that she and her ex-husband had gotten divorced and that she has since remarried. She also stated that she has settled in Bend, Oregon once again, after moving to different states.
As of 2025, Bosh remains active on Reddit under the username @OtherTubemonster. Her blog, however, hasn’t been updated since 2020.
I know. But I miss her anyway.
Then you’re probably really excited for her new book, Solutions and Other Problems, which is going to feature all new material 🙂
I was trying to find out whether this is all new material or stuff from the blog- what’s your source on this?
It doesn’t matter anyway, because the book has been canceled, but she said this on her Facebook page.
I couldn’t find her facebook page. No other info was provided?
I can’t tell you how relieved I am that she’s alive and well. But I agree with @ItIsAllBS:disqus, I miss Allie. I still revisit her site for the occasional laugh, even though I’ve probably gone through every post at least 2x.
I don’t think this is accurate. Her last post was almost 2 years ago. The information in this article about what she’s doing seems to come from the FAQ, and that appears to have been last updated prior to that last post. She has done things related to the book since that post, but I don’t see anything sign of what else she might be working on since then.
To follow up on my own comment:
She has a new book coming out pretty soon. So she’s been doing that at least.
Any updates on the book? I haven’t seen anything about it for a long time…
Lol I don’t have any inside info man! You’ll have to google it I think.
According to Simon & Schuster, it’s being released October 26, 2016
I just got a mail from Amazon about the book, which is why i got curious and found this post:
“The item(s) you ordered is not yet released. We will notify you of a specific delivery date when one is available.
Brosh, Allie “Solutions and Other Problems”
Release date: December 30, 2030″
Seems to be in limbo, if not entirely cancelled. Unfortunate.
I just received an e-mail from Amazon saying my order for the book was cancelled due to it being cancelled by the publisher.
Weird, yet it still says on Amazon release date of 2030. Something is up.
Wish someone could tell us if she’s okay.
My Amazon pre-order says “Delivery estimate: We need a little more time to provide you with a good estimate. We’ll notify you via e-mail as soon as we have an estimated delivery date.” But Simon & Schuster says “Ships on or around December 31, 2030.”
She posts on Twitter from time to time.
last post 13 Nov 2014
Well, I said from time to time. 🙂 That wasn’t even two years ago. The article makes it sound like she’s been missing for a decade.
I was just wondering about her and looked this up. Glad to hear she’s doing okay ^^
Just an additional update: she recently attended JoCo Cruise 2016 and gave a lecture/talk/Q&A there. I was pretty much unaware of who she was and felt amazed as she seemed to bare her soul on stage in front of a large audience (and encouraged the audience to do the same, during the lecture and during encounters throughout the rest of the week). I hope she puts together a post about her experience of that cruise!
That’s really good to know! (From what I hear, that cruise was a bit of an adventure for a lot of people, lol.) I’d love to see more of her work, but mostly, I just hope she’s doing well, whatever she’s doing, y’know.
I’m glad you saw her in person, because I (along with many other people, I assume) have been worried about her. She doesn’t owe anyone anything, but she is so loved that her absence is keenly felt. Though if she’s putting out a new book, she might have been contractually obligated to refrain from posting about it or from it.
I was worried too. To be perfectly honest, I was afraid she’d died. I hope she does come back to the (public) internet soon, but fsm knows I wouldn’t blame her if she didnt
Glad to hear it. I and most of her fans just want to know how she’s doing!
Ok yea no she hasn’t posted since 2013. Which is totally fine because it’s her blog but you can’t say she “still updates her blog”. And the update to her FAQ was in 2011. Clearly this writer doesn’t know anything.
Also it might not be well known that her younger sister died in 2014, and I’m sure that has not been easy for her to deal with.
OMG! That is awful. What happened?
Her sister suffered from mental illness as well. After a few attempts, she succeed by failing to yield to a train.
I surely loved her book. I hope she knows how many people she helped.
For people still wondering/worrying about her, I recently read a news story and it reminded me of her style so much that I checked the author and it was her – Allison Brosh and had her photo. I was able to click on her name and she had written tons of random news stories for the site (I forget the site) and like someone else says, she doesn’t owe anyone anything but I felt strangely cheated that she hadn’t let people know she’s perfectly fine and moved on with her life.
Can you look on your browser history and try to find the site? I’m curious. Thanks!
It’s 2017 and I haven’t seen anything at all from her since 2015. No news of a book or anything. Now I’m worried.
What are the “New Updates 2017”? That’s a pretty misleading title coming from Google search results.