Thursday, January 16, 2025

Aquabot Turbo T – Robotic Pool Cleaner Review

I’ve been up to my ears in robotic pool cleaners from Aquabot this past few weeks. fascinating technology, the automation of pool cleaning is fantastic, as I am sure that anyone how has had to clean a pool knows how time consuming it is. Aquabot have a huge array of cleaners available and are attacking every niche they can think of. So No matter what kind of pool you have I will have a review that is perfect for you. Today I will be continuing my look at the Turbo line, this time the Turbo T. The Turbo series as a whole have a few features as standard that were left out of the Classic line, and the T improves upon the vanilla Turbo in several small, but significant ways, least of which is in their customer service policies.

So let’s get stuck in, break the Turbo T down and find out if it is the right robotic pool cleaner for you.

Aquabot Turbo T Design and Build Quality

Turbo T beneath I have had the opportunity to look at a wide variety of Aquabot pool cleaners over the last few weeks, and I have been left very impressed with not only the products but also their business model. A company with a wide range of specialist products tends to be one you can put your trust in. They seem to be very good at iteration, making progressive improvements to their tech without rendering their older models pointless. The Turbo T is no exception. It is a refinement of the vanilla Turbo model, and I have to say I like the way it looks slightly more. They really committed to the robust look, the thick and sturdy blue plastic top paneling is a cut above the cream plastic shell of the original, no to mention the track propulsion looks like it will grind a rock to dust, then filter it our of the pool too. It won’t, but still. A solid handle at the top rounds out the design. build quality is excellent, not too much of a surprise from Aquabot.  I realize that the look of a robotic pool cleaner is not that important, but I tend to find that if thought is put into one area, i.e. the aesthetics, then it is a good bet that serious thought has gone into another area, i.e. the mechanics.

In all a great build, love the new plastic covering here. you know a poorly made pool cleaner by the fit, how flush the parts sit together and by the rattle of the internals. A properly made robotic pool cleaner should have little to no rattle, and a nice sturdy fit. Bear that in mind when you receive your purchase.

Aquabot Turbo T Features and Specs

The Turbo T is for in ground pools, should have mentioned that at the beginning, might have saved you some time. With a cable length of 60′, this robotic pool cleaner is rated for 50′ pools at max. Unlike some of the cheaper pool cleaners I have reviewed over the last several weeks this pool cleaner will clean every inch of your pool, form the floor to the cove to the top of the walls. It’s a feature that really should be standard, but I can understand why it is not. The first of many upgrades over the Turbo regular is the power washing feature. This helps removed caked on grime, and makes this cleaner slighter better at removing algae, add in the same dual brush system, one for the floor bottom that moves and one for the upper wall that is fixed, and we have a winner. In addition we have the never stuck system. This is an altered roller style that allows the Turbo T to traverse all kinds of terrain, no longer will an errant acorn stop your robotic pool cleaner in its tracks.

Dimension wise we are looking at another beast of a machine from Aquabot, 18″x 18″x 19″ and weighing at an impressive 36 pounds. I would have liked to see it be a little lighter, but for most people hauling it out of a pool once a week shouldn’t be too much to manage. We have the Turbo 1-7 hour cleaning cycles here, and with the extra power here the 1 hour cycle becomes much more viable. In addition we have a continues run mode, where the bot will do just that, keep cleaning. Fairly certain I read a piece of fiction where that was the plot, but regardless, always good to see extra utility.

Another great option from Aquabot this. With more power under the hood the Turbo T can do things the Turbo can’t, and does what it can faster. If you need a pool cleaner with  powerful grime removing properties, then this just might be the option for you.

Aquabot Turbo T Ease of Use

As is the case with all of the pool cleaning robots that I review, day to day use of the Turbo T is simple. there are pool cleaners pout there that require a lot of set up, and do not have internal pumping systems, but I don’t bother with them. I present the products that i feel are the easiest to use, with the least hassle involved. The Turbo T is 36 pounds dry, more wet, so removing it from a pool can be somewhat difficult. The handle does alleviate the issue a little, but fair strength is still required. We have 8 cycle options, so nothing to spin our collective heads. The bottom loading filter bag is not my favorite, though it is still easy enough to use, having to flip the machine to access the clasps is a bit of a chore.

In all it’s standard. Heavy machine, handle rectifies, bottom loading filter bag, still easy to replace. Nothing to worry about.

Aquabot Turbo T Pricing

Turbo T in water Make or break moment folks. So how much does the Turbo T cost? Well the ball park for the Turbo line is $800-1000. There are several factors to take into account, and where you buy the Turbo T is a major one. I have seen the T go for as little as $865, but again, that price can vary. For a lower top grade machine that is a great price, and I am sure you’ll agree the additional features make it well worth the money. The thing about buying a pool cleaner that some might overlook is that it is not merely an appliance. Buying a pool cleaner is an investment in your own time. How many hours a week do you find yourself cleaning your pool instead of enjoying it? So I would argue that regardless of the cost, any robotic pool cleaner will have paid you back i time saved within a year. I say that a lot, I know, but it is both important and true.

The cost to run the cleaner through a full cycle will vary depending on where you are, and the cost per kilowatt hour in your area. With an output of 230W I would estimate that running this for a full 3 hour cycle will set you back around 20c in electricity costs. So very little, but something to bear in mind, as some other pool cleaner robots will cost significantly more, especially as we move into the remote control bots. Another area the Turbo T has over the Turbo is the warranty. I love a good warranty, which is a shame here as the Aquabot warranty is only half a one. You are covered fully for the first year, with a further 2 years of limited warranty. The limited warranty is less than stellar, but still worth something. Have a read through it, you’ll find it doesn’t cover acts of God, like earthquakes, so bad news California.

Another home run for the Aquabot folk. Here we see tangible improvements over the Turbo, at a reasonable price. The additional years warranty is icing on the cake.

Aquabot Turbo T Conclusion

An easy one to recommend. If you have the extra cash then go for the Turbo T over the Turbo. Both are great machines, but for those of us with algae problems, in ground pools and a need for power the Turbo T is the better buy.


  • Automatic, requires no supervision.
  • Works out of the box, no need to connect it to a pool pump.
  • Power washing feature
  • Active brush for a deep clean
  • Cleans all the wall
  • Wall brush for added utility


  • Still Heavy, still very heavy
  • In ground pools only.
  • No swivel cable, but there are options there.
Barry W Stanton
Barry W Stanton
Irish born writer who drinks too much caffeine and reads too much Terry Pratchett. I enjoy long walks on the server and Korean cuisine.


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