Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Vuse Vibe and Vuse Solo Review: A New Age of Electronic Cigarette

The Vuse Vibe and Vuse Solo are two of the most intelligent, consumer-friendly electronic cigarettes around. The problem with more traditional electronic cigarettes is the amount of upkeep that goes into keeping them functional and always ready to use – coils, juice, charging, and a whole lot more. Fortunately, the two Vuse electronic cigarettes aim to jumpstart a new fashion of keeping the device always ready to use for the customer and eliminating as much downtime as possible.

Although I was a user of more traditional e-cigs like box mods and mech mods, I have found myself using the Vuse Vibe e-cig far more than I have been using my box mod in recent days. I think the reason for this is the ease of accessibility and the lack of upkeep. How do these devices make a vape user’s life easier? Read on more to find out.

The Vuse Solo

The Vuse Solo looks like a 120-millimeter cigarette, which is the most frequent compliment I’ve heard from those trying to quit smoking. Although heavier and metallic compared to the traditional paper-and-filter cigarettes, the Vuse Solo allows for its user to continue their traditional habits. I have also heard that simply the motions of using or holding a cigarette are what keeps people buying packs – for example, one lady told me that her morning routine was to wake up, light a cigarette and have a diet coke for her day. When she quit smoking, she found herself still making the finger motions to keep the cigarette held in her hand. I think the Vuse Solo is a great alleviator for those who are used to multitasking with a cigarette in hand. Your purchase of a Vuse Solo gets you one battery, one original tobacco-flavored cartridge, and the proprietary charger, as well as a nifty little plastic case and an instructions manual. The Vuse Solo retails for around $11.99 fora starter kit.

The Vuse Solo
The Vuse Solo

The Vuse Solo, produced by Winston-Salem, is a cigalike device. The battery is charged with a proprietary charger, and like other electronic cigarettes, has a status light mounted on the end of it – it will glow white with use, and should any diagnostics or a low battery be run, the device will blink red a certain number of times to communicate to the user that something is wrong. The Solo uses a cartridge system, which is far more accessible in terms of pricing than some brick-and-mortar shop vape juices. There are 6 different flavors of cartridges; menthol, crema, original tobacco, chai, mint, and berry. Each cartridge comes pre-filled with juice and a predetermined nicotine level (around 2.4% milligrams of nicotine per milliliter) and with a half-battery life, so a user can immediately start vaping right out of the box. The cartridges retail for $7.99 (excluding the price of tax) and come with 2 cartridges – for a pack-a-day smoker, this means you’ll be buying cartridges roughly every 3-4 days.

The Solo is a heavy little nifty thing, although with the introduction of the Vuse Vibe and the rising popularity, I feel like the Vuse Solo will soon give way to the more technically advanced Vibe.

The Vuse Vibevibe1

The Vuse Vibe is a more modern style of electronic cigarette – it looks very reminiscent of something you might pick up from a blister kit at either a gas station or a vape shop. However, the overall device is very clean and sleek looking and a huge improvement over the Solo. The battery is styled after your typical eGo style battery and is no more than 5 inches long with a threading on top for the tank. The tanks are prebuilt and all-in-one included, which means you no longer have to worry about coil or juice management; thread the tank on, and go! Like the Solo, the Vibe comes equipped with a diagnostic light at the bottom that will communicate to the user about the health of the battery – if it blinks red consistently for a few seconds, your tank is bad. If it blinks red three times, then your battery needs to be recharged. The diagnostic light is a very nifty, standard feature. The Vibe retails at $19.99 for a starter kit.

The Vibe is more like a traditional cigar than it is like a cigarette – I would compare it in size and feel to a Black and Mild cigar with a wood tip. The Vuse Vibe is definitely heavier than the Solo, but around the same height. You can, however, easily hold the device in your mouth if you need a pair of free hands to accomplish a task. Only four flavors are available for the Vibe – original tobacco (red), mint, nectar, and a melon flavor. The tanks are a little more expensive at $9.99 for 2 tanks, although these tanks come with 2 milliliters of juice and a coil pre-installed. You cannot refill the tanks on your own, as disassembly will cause a seal to break and the bottom of the tank can no longer be sealed to keep the juice in. Like the Vuse Solo, the Vibe tanks and juice come with a predetermined amount of nicotine in the devices – 2.4 milligrams per milliliter.

All available Vuse Vibe flavors
All available Vuse Vibe flavors

The Vuse Vibe and Solo are great devices in helping people to quit smoking, although there is one primary factor that cannot be had by traditional electronic cigarette mods; since the Vuse family of devices are distributed by Winston-Salem, you can typically find coupons for both the starter kit and a 2-pack of tanks. Cigarette companies will dispatch employees to gas stations, bars, and other popular cigarette-purchasing locations to run a resources operation. The employees will typically scan your cigarette box of choice and offer you a coupon, and the Vuse Vibe is also included in those coupons. Unfortunately, the popularity of the Vuse Solo is fading out for the Vuse Vibe, but if you are looking for a cheap, accessible device with little maintenance to help you quit smoking, look into the Vuse family of devices next time you stumble across one.



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