Friday, February 14, 2025

Top 10 Entrepreneurs to Follow on Instagram in 2018

Although many people may waste time on Instagram, it is an excellent tool for expanding your entrepreneurial horizons. Instagram allows you to organize the people who inspire you for an endless stream of knowledge and inspiration. Using it to organize your interests lets you tune out distractions of other content. Many successful entrepreneurs use Instagram to connect with their followers and share their wisdom. These 10 influential entrepreneurs rely on Instagram to inspire new young entrepreneurs to succeed.

10. Stefan James

Stefan James
Many successful entrepreneurs make fortunes from helping others become successful. Canadian entrepreneur and life coach Stefan James is a prime example of this. He is the founder of Project Life Mastery, a life coaching platform spread out across several social networks. James has become a self-made millionaire by teaching others how to become one as well.

Stefan James regularly uploads new content to the Project Life Mastery official website, Youtube, and Instagram page. His Instagram is regularly updated with insightful quotes and links. He also interacts with his followers, generously sharing knowledge to everyone.

9. Kayla Itsines

Kayla Itsines
Instagram is full of fitness enthusiasts, but some of them have managed to build entire multi-million dollar brands off their healthy lifestyles. Australian personal trainer Kayla Itsines started her mobile personal training business. It took off after she began posting her client’s results on Instagram. Suddenly bombarded by praise and requests for advice, Itsines released several ebooks which sold millions of copies. She now has 6.9 million Instagram followers.

Instead of just focusing on her own fitness journey, Itsines highlights other’s fitness journeys on her instagram. She regularly posts mindblowing fitness transformations from fans all over the world. Itsines also has released an app called Sweat With Kayla which she updates monthly with the diets and routines she herself uses. Itsines is worth 46 million.

8. Tai Lopez

Tai Lopez
In 2015, Tai Lopez became an internet icon. Lopez launched a multi-million dollar ad campaign featuring his Hollywood Hills video. For several months, nearly every major website was plastered with his face and links to his 67 Steps Program. The campaign made Lopez the butt of many jokes and spawned numerous parodies. However, it still netted Lopez publicity that further multiplied his millions.

Tai Lopez’s eccentric personality and unconventional business practices set him apart from other entrepreneurs on Instagram. His Instagram has over 2 million followers. Although Lopez has some programs that cost over $1000, his Instagram and Youtube are goldmines of priceless information. Lopez is also an investor and advisor to over 20 multi-million dollar companies.

7. Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk
Going viral on the internet is possibly one of the fastest ways to become incredibly successful – and it doesn’t always to happen purely on accident. Internet entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk leveraged the internet to his advantage to create a multi-million dollar empire. He created his first multi-million dollar business when he was only in college. During that period, he also wrote several books on entrepreneurship which became bestsellers. His first book, Crush It! has sold millions of copies.

In 2009, Vaynerchuk founded Vaynermedia with his brother AJ. The company provides social media marketing advice to large companies. As someone who has made fortune from it, Vaynerchuk is of course very active on social media. He is known for his funny, cocky, and in-your-face posts on his Instagram and Youtube.

6. Tim Ferris

Tim Ferriss
Why retire later when you can do it now? Tim Ferriss is an entrepreneur who has done just that. He has coined the term “lifestyle design” to denote the practice of creating one’s ideal life with minimal effort and maximum rewards. He was inspired to do so after founding supplement company Brainquicken. His experiences with company inspired to release his famous book, The 4-Hour Workweek.

Tim Ferriss’s influence has prompted some journalists to create the term “The Tim Ferriss Effect”. Things that Ferriss talks about spike in popularity overnight. You can see Ferriss’s ingenious marketing skills in action on his Instagram.

5. Andy Frisella

Andy Frisella
Successful internet entrepreneurs all understand social media isn’t just a platform for marketing. They also use it for social connection and building communities. Even before social media, fitness entrepreneur Andy Frisella personally went out and found customers for his stores. Frisella founded his empire on the creation of a community built around his supplement brand 1st Phorm International.

Becoming an entrepreneur is no easy task – and the difficulty of becoming one is greatly multiplied by the endless get-rich-schemes polluting the market. Thankfully, Andy Frisella is a hard realist and regularly dispenses no-frills advice on his Instagram account. He also hosts the MFCEO entrepreneurship podcast every week.

4. Pete Cashmore

Pete Cashmore
Pete Cashmore is a very influential figure but remains largely unknown to the general public. Yet his technology news website Mashable is one of the most famous websites in the world. Cashmore was raking in millions of dollars in ad revenue several years after founding the company at age 19.

Cashmore has become an angel investor from the millions he has made with Mashable. He regularly writes technology and social media columns for CNN. He was named one of TIME’s most influential people in 2012.

3. Richard Branson

Richard Branson
British billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson is a rockstar in the world of business. Branson is the founder of the the Virgin Group, a multinational conglomerate which controls over 400 companies. Branson began cultivating his empire at the age of 16.

Branson is widely renowned for his eccentric personality and unconventional approach to business. A successful entrepreneur knows how to adapt to change, and naturally Branson has adapted his business strategies to social media. His Instagram is a mix of quotes, advice, and chronicles of his adventures.

2. Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone
Grant Cardone is a multi-millionaire who has built a personal brand on real estate, writing, mentoring, and social media marketing. He is worth over $500 million and has a real estate portfolio worth over $350 million. Cardone has published four successful novels.

Cardone has released a series of videos on his personal website called “How to make $100,000 on Instagram. His Instagram over 300 thousand followers. He often posts videos of himself giving advice to his followers. Cardone is also good friends with Tai Lopez and Gary Vaynerchuk.

1. Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins 1
The best entrepreneurs in the world do not succeed solely for their own interests. Tony Robbins has made innumerable contributions to entrepreneurship. His commanding stage presence, optimistic attitude, and practical advice have created a legacy few others can come close to. Robbins often commands six figure fees for his speeches. He has amassed a fortune of over 500 million from his books, speaking, and coaching.

Tony Robbins is highly active on social media. His Ted Talk is the 7th most viewed in the world. Being a motivational speaker, his Instagram and Youtube accounts are of course chock full of priceless motivation and advice for applying it.



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