Sunday, September 8, 2024

Top 5 iPhone 6 HD Wallpapers and Sources – 2018 Update

Your phone’s outside says a lot about you. If you’re a brand enthusiast, an artist, a tinkerer, or a talker. Similarly, the inside should represent a part of you as well. With iPhones, this can be a little difficult. With the new Retina display, sure a picture of your family would be alright, maybe even a landscape shot of your favorite spot as a kid. But to make full use of the Retina display in all of its beauty and wonder, it’s perhaps best to seek out a wallpaper that can put the high definition iPhone display to the test. Here, we’ll take a look at 5 wallpapers and wallpaper sources to help you decide what the best look for your iPhone is. This list is in no particular order, and it’s highly encouraged that the reader explore each option to find the best match for themselves.

Iphone HD Wallpaper source: Reddit

“Morty, listen to me Morty. You gotta get this wallpaper Morty. It’s imperative to your existence.”

Aside from entire subforums about cat and puppy pictures, controversial views and internet culture, Reddit can be a fantastic source of iPhone Wallpaper goodies. Whether you’d prefer to browse for hours on end to find your ideal wallpaper, or start a thread and maybe even have some of the talented people there try to make one work from an existing image, it’s certainly worth a look through. Do keep in mind that you will need to register a user name to post, but given the nature of the site, it certainly doesn’t require any personal information. If you’re the creative type, this is also a fantastic way to put your foot into the door and exhibit your creations, which can be voted on.

Iphone HD Wallpaper source: UltraLinx

A wallpaper that takes the idea of the Law of Nature quite seriously.
A wallpaper that takes the idea of the Law of Nature quite seriously.

Another social media outlet, UltraLinx is in fact a very tightly curated and designed Tumblr page dedicated to device wallpapers. The iPhone section is surprisingly robust, with designs that take inspiration from nature, philosophy and geometry. Most of the selections are user submitted, which allows for a decent variety. Keep in mind that since this is curated (it is assumed) by a single owner, not all the wallpapers may be the ideal dimensions, though at time of writing all seemed to be of perfect definition and size.

Iphone HD Wallpaper source: Poolga

An artist's rendition of a bear hug.
An artist’s rendition of a bear hug.

Back in 2007, when the iPhone was considered a revolutionary new phone structure that would bring us all into the future, Poolga got started as a website dedicated to decorating it. With private over 100 illustrators peddling their designs based off popular culture, art and social trends, you’ll likely find something to fit your tastes if you’re a fan of retro-chic or handcrafted looks. If you happen to want to contribute to this site as a means of expression and getting your name out, Poolga does allow for that, but you first must submit a full portfolio and be invited as an illustrator, meaning that all illustrations presented are original and of a unique quality.

Iphone HD Wallpaper source: E2UA

I mustache you give these wallpapers a try.
I mustache you give these wallpapers a try.

One of the older formats for displaying wallpapers, E2UA is a simply designed scroll down list of iPhone wallpapers that also features images for other phones. You’ll find an even mix of art and photography on this site which tend to orient itself more towards the silly and psychedelic. One of the neat features of this site is that when you place your mouse on the image, a prompt shows up detailing the exact dimensions of the background, which takes out the guess and check game that sometimes occurs when finding the perfect image for your iPhone.






Iphone HD Wallpaper source: WallpapersMobile

Despite having a large library of game wallpapers, only two half-life images exist. There are rumors that a third may be coming down the pipes.
Despite having a large library of game wallpapers, only two Half-Life images exist. There are rumors that a third may be coming down the pipes.

Finishing up our list of the top places for cool iPhone Wallpapers is WallpapersMobile, which while slightly outdated in design, is still a little treasure trove. Most of the images are of high quality, and while not terribly well organized, can be browsed with ease. A significant portion of the selection offered are oriented towards gamers, so you’ll find everything from Mario to Grand Theft Auto V images. Most of the images are on the higher end of size and are HD quality, which makes the 108 pages worth of wallpapers full of possibility.

Cody Carmichael
Cody Carmichael
University graduate in Psychology, and health worker. On my off time I'm usually tinkering with tech or traveling to the ends of the globe.


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