Well this is a blast from the past, the Saatva. This was the first mattress I reviewed, and it began a life long love affair with wrapped contour coils. Now I go back to this mattress with an eye for bargain hunting, and after a long search I am sorry to say I could not find any coupons codes so you’re best chance is to click here to check for special promo’s on their website to see if any discounts are currently available. I thought it was weird, so I did a little digging.
So Why No Codes Saatva?
There are a number of direct to consumer mattress firms out there that seem to not offer any discounts on their products, the rational being that they believe it is better to offer the lowest base price they can to all customer. A noble thing, and it is true that this is better for the consumer, but history has shown us that it isn’t all that great for the business. Does anyone else remember the fiasco that was JCPenny’s removal of sales and the 99c price tag? I sure do, and that firm has been in decline ever since. Granted, Saatva are in a very different position, seen as it has been one of their stated goals from the beginning, and they are doing very well for themselves, but I can’t help but feel like the odd coupon code here or these would benefit them greatly.
The lack of coupon codes extends across their entire product line, not just the core Saatva. The Loom & Leaf does not have any discount codes for it either. My opinions on the matter are moot, I’m no business person. I’ve written this article to talk about the dangers that face consumers hunting for a bargain, and I hope to increase awareness in the mattress business of the firms with whom looking for a coupon code is pointless. The likes of Saatva and Tuft & Needle. Most other firms will have codes, and I have spent the last two weeks writing up articles on what those codes are for them, so be sure to look through the list below.
Saatva Range, A Refresh
At the end of the day Saatva make some of the best mattresses on the market, and there is no question that their products deserve the asking price. I would like to see maybe a free shipping coupon, or a hundred bucks off floating around the web, but it was not to be so. If you are hunting for codes to the Saatva line, stop now, you aren’t going to find a better price.
So that’s that, there are no discount or promo codes for Saatva Mattresses but you can see any available deals on the website by clicking here.