Kodak Black is a rising star in the rap scene. His music has been described as raw, and a true reflection of the current state of America on the poverty line. His lyrics are focused on criminality, not praising it, not condemning it, but presenting it as a mere fact. The life that so many are forced to lead due to the lack of opportunity presented to them. Due to his up bringing he has had trouble with the law, and is currently detained pending investigation. I would hope that his growing financial stability will go a long way to settling him. His growing popularity over the last few years has a allowed him to amass a small fortune, but just how much is Kodak Black worth now in 2018?
Kodak Black Net Worth 2018 – $300,000
How Did Kodak Black Make His Money & Wealth?
Kodak Black Personal Life & FAQ
Is Kodak Black Married?
Kodak is not currently married, there is no indication that he has a significant other of any kind. His lyrics paint a bleak picture of his love life.
Where did Kodak Black go to College?
Kodak Black has yet to attend college. In 2014 he was pursuing his High School diploma, and I have to assume he got it. He has spent much of his post school career focusing on his music, and seen as he got signed I can’t call it the wrong decision. I am sure that if he wants to get a degree at some point he can.
Where Does Kodak Black Live? Picture of Kodak Black‘s House
Why is he called Kodak Black?
Kodak Black gained the nickname “Lil Black” when he was a kid. He added the Kodak part when he joined Instagram, likely in reference to the camera company.
Why is Kodak Black in Jail?
Kodak has had many problems with the law throughout his life. It began with juvenile incarceration. Due to the leverage of Atlantic Records he was able to stay out of prison in the middle of last year, with a full culpability plea. The judge handed down a sentence of community service and house arrest, with stipulations allowing him to tour internationally. He was about to be released from Jail in Florida when it was discovered that Kodak had two outstanding warrants in different jurisdictions. He again plead culpability to the DUI and drug charges and was sentenced to four months in jail, with attention paid to time already served. As soon as he was released he was whisked off to face the charges of rape in South Carolina. That case is ongoing, but die to Kodak violating his parole he was remanded to jail.